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Everything posted by Hedge

  1. It's that time of year when Tib's head gets pulled out of his posterior for a few minutes to see if he sees his shadow. Unfortunately, the results are that we are going to have much longer than 6 more weeks of stupidity.
  2. Nothing screams "buy my books", like hitting a prospective reader across the face with "truths" that most of the world doesn't know...
  3. The bill: H.R.5383 - New Way Forward Act The 43 Congressional enemies of our Republic who are co-sponsoring this travesty Obviously, with the current make up, this legislation would not pass the Senate, much less survive a Presidential veto, or an Congressional override of said veto, but this is the kind of fresh hell that would flourish in a Leftist utopia. Hopefully 2020 is a beat down for the ages that scatters the Democrats to the winds.
  4. Confidential banking records related to Hunter Biden in Senate hands: Report
  5. "We caught them in the acts. Dirty cops." "FISA courts should be ashamed of themselves." "They knew in 2 days we were innocent, but they kept it going forever."
  6. I had the same questions as you. As you noted, yes, it can be seen that the door opens inwards. When chained, however, it's only going to open inward as far as the give of the chain allows (unless the door handles get broken off), which in this case would not even be enough to get a small dog through. Are there other points of egress from the structure that haven't been impeded? Quite possibly.
  7. There are quite a few of these types of videos out there, where ill people are being locked in their own homes by the government (and if/when they die there is great speculation that they are never counted in the death statistics):
  8. The official vote on Article 2: 53-47 to acquit
  9. The official vote on Article 1: 52-48 to acquit
  10. Before the break, Wray: "Where there are people who need to held accountable, we have a disciplinary process for that, for the current employees. The vast majority of the people involved, in the conduct that you are describing, are no longer with the FBI, so they are not subject to our disciplinary process in the first place, but there is, of course, as you know, the ongoing John Durham investigation, which we have been cooperating with fully as the AG himself has said. So, I look forward to hopefully having another hearing with you at some point, where we can have a very different kind of exchange about the FBI."
  11. It seems like he knew beforehand. But maybe he didn't fully listen to the question or thought the questioner misspoke.
  12. 62% in: Candidate SDE Bennet 0 Biden 210.344 Bloomberg 0.133 Buttigieg 362.637 Delaney 0 Gabbard 0 Klobuchar 169.694 Patrick 0 Sanders 337.887 Steyer 3.761 Warren 246.18 Yang 14.273 Other 0.28 Uncommitted 2.077 https://results.thecaucuses.org/
  13. As scary as it is, at least the coin doesn't use any perverse logic to think that casting a vote for anyone in the D field is a good option.
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