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Everything posted by Hedge

  1. Shoehorning this into the thread (I know it had been previously mentioned, but I don't recall where):
  2. Will any Democrats renounce this?
  3. It may not have been bat humpers.
  4. Thanks. I didn't realize that the CDC considered that hospitalizations must be the factor for deciding the overall population to calculate against, rather than the total number of people who actually had a disease. It seems odd to use a sub-population for this calculation, but it's definitely not my field.
  5. To quote a line from your avatar's movie: "You know much that is hidden O Tim." Source that claim, if you don't mind, because it sounds like nonsense. It doesn't appear to be close to that in the US, so I think you just may be misremembering what you saw at some point. Are you quoting for some single backwater country that severely lacks medical services? These are the CDC numbers: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/burden/index.html Below, I've added the mortality rate (because this CDC page I linked doesn't show that particular stat) and since the 2010/2011 season it has not surpassed 0.18%, and it has averaged closer to 0.13% in the same time frame. I also added in your 4%, so you can see how high a death toll that would have actually been (*astronomical*).
  6. I wonder what all they found in 2018 on all those George Soros machines...
  7. Posting for the first 13 seconds of the video. ?
  8. And these are just the official numbers being reported, which are more than likely quite inaccurate. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The cruise from hell continues: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ But it's no worse than the seasonal flu...of which you can actually make a proactive choice to protect yourself from getting in the first place (unless the strains put into the vaccine turn out to be wrong...which has happened before). It's on top of the seasonal flu, it's not replacing it. And pay no heed to the fact that you are comparing a full year of US flu statistics (which are more than likely fully and accurately reported) to Chinese government statistics which are widely thought to grossly understate the infections and deaths and **these numbers all occurred in basically just 3 weeks**. Seasonal flu's are usually directly responsible for travel bans and for locking down major cities that house millions of people, right?
  9. It's good to see that Beto has found work.
  10. Mr. Kerry, Iran is on line 1.
  11. And the first few public moves have been made, with the Vindman x2 firings.
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