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Everything posted by Hedge

  1. I can't imagine there is much opportunity to practice social distancing aboard an air craft carrier. I also wonder if perhaps this sort of ship specific information should be classified, so as to not embolden any bad actors to take advantage of US force readiness that may be impacted, if the problem grows.
  2. She is the real life version of those air powered, inflatable, tube people at car lots
  3. As long as you take him with a large, full, bucket of salt, perhaps. Oh, and from his Twitter bio: "Former Medicare, Medicaid, ACA head for Obama." This bold statement has been proven false: And a screen shot of it, should it get deleted (he's been called out on it by numerous people already, yet it's still there): ----------------- Below pertains to the form he mentioned in his tweet:
  4. The High Priestess has more to say. -----------------------------------------------------
  5. @Deranged Rhino This has been gnawing at me since I listened to President Trump mention is to lead off the press briefing. I just had an iota of an idea as to what it could be related to. A few months ago (or weeks, perhaps)...like I said, an iota...I believe you had posted something...a tweet or short article, about information that was going to be be coming out about a woman who had been in a horribly abusive situation. It was a quite cryptic, if I recall. I have looked back in this thread, but haven't been able to locate it. Does that ring any bells?
  6. ~10:40PM Pacific: Mitch just began speaking on the Senate floor and says there is a deal and it will be passed later today. Chuck Schumer on the floor: $130 billion to hospitals Any laid off worker will have their salary remunerated by the fed government, benefits continue Strict oversight (board and IG) of all loans made to corporate America $150 billion to states and localities Small Businesses: Loans, employees to be paid by the federal government He also mentioned that employees, even if laid off, will remain associated to their employers, so they can jump back to work when the time is right. As always, the fine print will be interesting to see. Senate back in session at noon.
  7. If that's intended as a slight, the tweet is the beginning of a thread and is far from the conclusion that he reached.
  8. Maybe he just knows some devastating medical secrets about Hildabeast and wants to stay alive.
  9. I know that these types of conversations are occurring among doctors in some local hospitals near me.
  10. Just providing some streaming feeds for this: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/floor_activity_pail.htm and Youtube:
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