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Everything posted by Hedge

  1. I'm guessing it's a reference to Gary Busey's new screen name. It's in Warren Zevon's song named "Lawyers, Guns, and Money".
  2. This press conference will going down the media black hole before it's even finished. Nope! Never happened!
  3. Ha! Just asked Fauci if he was a hostage. "Are you doing this voluntarily?" when he was explaining how the media twists things.
  4. I just came across this account and am not sure of it's veracity. It may be an interesting one to keep an eye on. Acronyms used: TAC = The Analysis Corporation. John Brennan was CEO from 2005-2008. 2008 is when the passport scandal was news. https://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/03/22/passport.files/index.html GSG: Global Strategies Group. Acquired TAC. https://www.cnbc.com/id/100440555 (this is a good read from 2013, IMO. It also smells like something Gen. Flynn may have wanted to expose.) JOB = John Owen Brennan Thread from last night: Another thread from today:
  5. One of the things I am looking forward to, when we come out on the other side of COVID-19, is the numerous studies that will surely be published about how well nature has snapped back when the bulk of humanity was under lock down for months. Of course, the conclusions will be how bad humans, and our actions, are on the environment. They won’t even realize that it will actually disprove their allegations. If nature can snap back in 60-90 days, there is absolutely no need for radical measures to be enacted. But globalists will be globalists and there will be renewed calls for the Green New Dealio, due to the “evidence”.
  6. That’s just a trillion dollar company collaborating with a Satanic high priestess. It’s almost a full month since it was announced Bill Gates would be leaving their Board, so I am sure he had nothing to do with it, he’s been busy and has vaccines to test!
  7. And that's still not the most idiotic thing I have read today. (the scrolling ticker names did make me laugh though)
  8. 04/10/20: Memorandum on Visa Sanctions
  9. ------------------------------------
  10. ... And there are 1 or 2 others listed here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Republicans_who_opposed_the_2016_Donald_Trump_presidential_campaign
  11. I wonder what the definition of "victims" is. Someone who died? What's the current % of positive tests, where to get one in the first place, you must be showing symptoms that fit certain parameters? Like ~4ish% positive? Nothing like an old fashioned 96% margin rate of error. That's even worse than this from the NYT on election day:
  12. @Tiberius The king is dead! Long live the king!
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