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Everything posted by Hedge

  1. I've only slogged my way through about half of this so far (it's lengthy), but it's an interesting read IMO:
  2. @jrober38 do I recall correctly that you are Canadian?
  3. Because they are bored? Talk about lacking empathy for those suffering financial hardship during this time. You know who else is bored? Those many thousands of people waiting in miles long lines to get food from charity pantries, so that they can put food on their families table.
  4. Zuck-bot couldn't even stick with calling it "harmful information". Factual information about organizing a protest is information. Anything that doesn't fit the narrative is "misinformation". Note: I think Stephanopoulos actually said "information", which is why I struck out "mis" from the article quote. The exchange is at ~2:50 in:
  5. She does seem to have some interesting things to say. Just keep the salt shaker handy. She has some dubious connections to InfoWars and Austin Steinbart (the guy who was recently saying he was Q).
  6. Because there is nothing like watching/listening to him delivery it.
  7. This is an amusing thread.
  8. It had Hussein unhinged enough that he actually uttered the phrase "Islamic terrorism"? That's a tell if ever there was one.
  9. Isn’t this the same Chinese spokesman who tried to blame the US for the China virus? Yes. Yes, it is.
  10. I'm looking forward to the hammer that is coming down.
  11. If you are having a hard time finding a mask, this young lady probably has a very short wait list for her product:
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