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Everything posted by Hedge

  1. For what it's worth (and if nothing else, she has some good advice in the last few minutes, should you or someone you care about get infected):
  2. Now, I give it less than 0.000000001% chance, but wouldn't it be something if Kim wound up in South Korea, healthy?
  3. Funny, you don't strike me as one who would go back and read what was posted a number of months ago. You joined on March 31st. Your stint as @BillZtime began on April 1.
  4. I have been pulling data from this site, which does display recoveries: https://covidtracking.com/data/us-daily The daily update usually seems to occur between 4pm to 6pm Eastern each day. The detail is housed in a Google doc, you can get to from the "as a spreadsheet" link towards the top of the page: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/2/d/e/2PACX-1vRwAqp96T9sYYq2-i7Tj0pvTf6XVHjDSMIKBdZHXiCGGdNC0ypEU9NbngS8mxea55JuCFuua1MUeOj5/pubhtml# Note the tabs at the top for different slices of data. Personally, I have been using the "States Daily 4 pm ET" tab, as my purposes are to see the incremental daily data (which it doesn't show, but you can use some Excel formulas to get to). I spent about a week validating the data against what gets posted to the John Hopkins virus tracker (https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html) and they are extremely close to each other when the daily update occurs at covidtracking.com.
  5. POTUS is on re-tweet roll right now. All of these, so far: That is a LOT of topics being covered.
  6. It's easier to just smile and nod your head.
  7. Some POTUS tweets that are timely to the quoted post.
  8. He saved the best for last. Leftist principles?
  9. Order electric clippers that have various length attachment guards. You can do it yourself, and at worst, you wind up with uniformly cut hair.
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