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Everything posted by Hedge

  1. EXCLUSIVE - DNI to Schiff: The transcripts are ready to release The link includes the full list of the 53. Ratcliffe or Grenell. It's a fine choice to have.
  2. So, instead of being glad the task force remains all you do is cast more blame. POTUS has turned so many of you into pretzels.
  3. Odd. We had been informed, not that many posts ago, that the task force was being dismantled.
  4. This thread touches on misspellings in names to avoid FOIA requests. LikeCor[n]ey instead of Comey in the OIG report and the recent Pianka instead of Pientka in the Flynn case.
  5. He said that, in addition to being a kid doctor? Yes on that Pulitzer! Can you also explain how he is aging backwards?
  6. Ratcliffe’s confirmation hearing for Director of National Intelligence:
  7. Trey Gowdy: Don't expect prosecutions in Durham review of Russia investigation
  8. It's been apparent that you are unable to think for yourself, but the next time you commit plagiarism, remember to change the font size to match the default here. Edit to add:
  9. POTUS townhall begins at 7PM Eastern on Fox News.
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