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Everything posted by Hedge

  1. Time to comb through her salad past.
  2. I just want to disprove your point. Never mind. You win, B-Man.
  3. It blows my mind that you still show your face around here, as if you have a moral authority on this subject besides being proven wrong on every account that you have argued related to the collusion story. You get bonus points for the double meaning.
  4. Another piece from the Eastern District of PA DOJ: U.S. Attorney William M. McSwain Announces Charges and Guilty Plea of Former Philadelphia Judge of Elections Who Committed Election Fraud
  5. United States Strategic Approach to The People’s Republic of China
  6. A week earlier than expected:
  7. Posting for the first sentence of the top tweet. The article at the link is backstory, as it's a month old.
  8. Worth a watch to see what is coming.
  9. The interviewees blog with more info: http://www.texastrashtalk.com/ Clip of a harvester taking advantage of someone in a nursing home:
  10. It begins at the 35 minute mark:
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