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Everything posted by Hedge

  1. That is definitely a nice, positive, and hopefully sincere, gesture. I would hope that LE officers do make a practice of not eating/drinking anything unless they packed it in themselves or know the point of origin, however. There is no telling what may be in those bottles.
  2. This sounds about right. And if they can't get it to happen naturally, well, let's jump back to this:
  3. Why start now?
  4. The same people who thought it was totally fine for police to enforce social distancing and shut down businesses are freaked out by force being used to stop riots, looting, destruction of personal property, and murder. The false equivalency in the Leftist nutbags is an amazing thing to behold.
  5. Thread. . . .
  6. These appear too:
  7. LO fvckin L
  8. Bravo! Looks like this was a private citizen sting operation. The DSA Orange County account is "Democratic Socialists of America of Orange County". Twitter, of course, suspended the OCAntifa account.
  9. Smart move. You can hear the protesters saying "Get the white people". Then you see white protesters come to grab the white antifa scumbag. I was about ready to look up how fast tigers can get from the Oakland zoo to my nearby town.
  10. So, now the Russians no longer want Trump as POTUS? And the harbinger of truth continues with this lie:
  11. It's going to be a long night in San Diego, as it almost always gets worse after dark:
  12. And the confluence continues:
  13. Not definitive, but: That "protester" looks a lot like the Bernie Bro at ~30 seconds into this video: And new Project Veritas coming soon:
  14. Then you must be loving life these past few months, Blisstime.
  15. The confluence of events (of which the riots are just 1 aspect) is bringing all the right people together.
  16. The referenced tweet in the one directly above is now longer embedding correctly because the account just got suspended. It was referencing #WWG1WGA and had a clip from Trumps marvelous speech, pre election, about the Deep State. This was the text: So, it seems Twitter has just declared war.
  17. This very much belongs in this thread, as well:
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