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Everything posted by Hedge

  1. Now the DC Mayor is asking NJ and Ohio National Guard to be called back. And this is her Twitter header: You would think she might speak out against a million person protest, in her city, if she is that concerned about the virus, right?
  2. I believe that falls under the Secretary of the Army for DC.
  3. In another week, the officers will be required to put each other in chokeholds. I'm sure a simple "please and thank you" will get violent offenders to stop what they are doing. I'm not sure why they haven't just tried this before!
  4. Gearing up for even more spin in the next few weeks. I'm only surprised it took this long.
  5. Since by his definitions cell phone selfie accidents also kill more people, he may want to grab those as well.
  6. Laws vary by state, as do definitions. Notably see Alabama, Arkansas, Kansas (and perhaps some others), which do seem to define "people"/"person" as "an unborn child". https://www.ncsl.org/research/health/fetal-homicide-state-laws.aspx
  7. They are going to need to find alternate housing, as their presence will be needed. Word is spreading that ~1 million people will be descending on DC this weekend. How many will be Antifa, like minded groups, or useful idiots? This may not end well.
  8. In order to argue your point that gun violence kills more people than abortion, first, you must recognize those being aborted as a person. By your own stated definitions, if gun violence killed 1 person that would be more people than abortions. By the same definition more people also die taking ill advised selfies.
  9. With the clock ticking down, I don't see how there will be any trials before November, however. Pre-election, it's all going to ride on indictments, arrests, and allegations (and that's even discounting all non Spygate issues). Let's say some arrests begin occurring in July, less than 4 months before election day. Even if they get fast tracked, the defense team will still be given months for preparation. The trials themselves would last weeks (if not months). A very large fish, now HAS to be first and fast (although I think it's been mentioned that may be consistent with large RICO cases), but will it be fast enough? The Leftist back to back delay tactics of Mueller, impeachment, nationwide citizen house arrest, crashing the economy, and rioting may end up working. And what is after rioting? It may be even more bloody (and I greatly hope that a suitcase nuke is too crazy even for the Deep State). And even if trials occur, guilt is found, and those responsible are prosecuted, it's not like the media is suddenly going to report anything accurately. They are still running with the debunked Russia! Russia! Russia! and are calling truth's to be conspiracy theories, because they ARE the most ardent partisans. I've been worried about timing all along and haven't seen any reason to dispel this.
  10. This isn't recent, but it's appropriate for this thread.
  11. In the areas that have been hit, even just keeping budgets flat is effectively a cut. Law Enforcement agency property that has been destroyed by rioters (ex. cruisers) will need to be replaced. Any funds used for replacement will have to be diverted from other internal LE budgetary priorities.
  12. I missed some of it, so I am not sure if this happened or not, with regard to Graham: If so, I may have to change my earlier assessment.
  13. How dare he not participate in groupthink?
  14. Rich has connections to the administration. I wonder if he is saying this is being done now? JSTARS
  15. What POTUS retweeted:
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