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Everything posted by Hedge

  1. Reminder: Linda Collins-Smith was working on exposing child trafficking facilitated by CPS.
  2. -----------------
  3. Austin, TX. Early 1990s. I had to do a group project for my high school Economics class, where our group of 6ish kids had to produce a video of a conceptualized business we were running. Some wise a$$ Italian, mixed breed, mutt had the idea for it to be a Hit Man for Hire business (it may or may not have been me). One scene called for me standing behind a large tree, in a fairly empty field, with a BB gun. Then the barrel of the rifle would slowly peak around the tree for the production shot. Someone, somewhere, saw this happening and called the police. Two cruisers pull up from a direction no one was really paying attention to. "IT'S THE POLICE! DROP THE GUN! HANDS IN THE AIR! TURN AROUND!" I comply with all requests and see two cops, sheltered behind their cruiser doors, both with their pistols aimed at me. A few minutes later, things are sorted out, and the officers knew that it was a BB gun. It was not at all uncommon for kids to be in that field with BB guns, so they probably expected it. Despite pleading with them to allow us to get a video of them cuffing me and putting me in the back of their cruiser (we going to write a new ending of "When Business Goes Bad" on the fly), they refused. Bastards! It could have been my Emmy moment. They did confiscate my BB gun, however. I can't remember what the exact reason was. They said I could go claim it at the station later. I wonder if that BB gun, with a broken pneumatic pump is still there... Memories.
  4. Seattle: Thread: ---------
  5. This is not a short list.
  6. Yep, if that was done by anyone other than Dems there would be screams of cultural appropriation.
  7. Good job finding a way to also announce that you are a homophobe. ?
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