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Everything posted by Hedge

  1. Edit to add a follow up the next day:
  2. Domino's Pizza is now getting canceled for an 8 year old tweet. 8 YEARS AGO:
  3. In a clip posted earlier, their were people on the inside who were welding it shut, so there was an alternate way in (assuming it was the same park). My question is, what did they weld together earlier in the day if it still opened that easily?
  4. Given that OAN is the only outlet that doesn't attack POTUS more than half the time? #OrangeManNotAllBad In his own words:
  5. +1 I don't understand why people dump on having Twitter accounts, it's like they don't understand that you can curate what you want to see (assuming Twitter isn't shadow banning content). I didn't have one until about 2 years ago, and while I rarely post anything, it has been enormously helpful in finding news that I am interested in.
  6. You will not be allowed to have an opinion. For those that don't know, Mike Gundy is the head coach of the Oklahome State football team and Chuba Hubbard is the star running back at the same school (he also led the entire NCAA in rushing yards last season).
  7. POTUS on reducing the number of US troops in Germany:
  8. Shoehorning this into this thread. From the NBC article: From the CBS article:
  9. Director of the NSA:
  10. Do the citizens of CHAZ need a passport to do this now?
  11. Next? We already had this one:
  12. One of the debates will be opposite a Bills game. The debate schedule as of now appears to be: Tuesday, Sep. 29. Thursday, Oct 15. The Bills host the Chiefs the same night. Thursday, Oct 22.
  13. News from a Ukrainian publication, links are to articles translated to English: https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=uk&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.obozrevatel.com%2Fcrime%2Frekordnaya-vzyatka-v-6-mln-poyavilis-podrobnosti-gromkogo-zaderzhaniya.htm https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&pto=aue&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=uk&sp=nmt4&tl=en&u=https://www.obozrevatel.com/kiyany/crime/na-vzyatke-v-6-mln-popalsya-pervyij-zamestitel-glavyi-nalogovoj-kieva.htm&usg=ALkJrhibJnRwCogFGyL2hYMd-FY4UtM-UQ Thread.
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