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Everything posted by Hedge

  1. I would venture to guess there are corners where similar drums are still beating. Vice Adm. Scott Stearney may not have wanted to play along. Fingers are still being pulled off triggers.
  2. Another theory: One of the servicemen could have passed gas when walking in front of them. Laura snarls and gives the evil eye. Jab gives the "that's not right, man" reaction.
  3. Maybe it’s not a cloudless day. Maybe it’s been overcast for a long time. Maybe there is obstruction of justice, but not the way you are envisioning it. Maybe Trump did want something investigated, just not what you want investigated. Maybe he knew Flynn had an important part to play. Maybe Trump did ask for loyalty. Maybe that requested pledge was to the country and not the man. (Maybe this should be in the Deep State thread )
  4. Color me a skeptic. This sounds just as ridiculous as putting known human rights violators on the UN Human Rights Council.
  5. The problem is that he has rarely been on the field lately.
  6. It's not that surprising. During Obama's war on America, the Republicans had 8 years to come up with a plan and then Trump throttled them. Both parties seem to be out of touch with the majority of Americans.
  7. Risked everything? What a tired narrative. Kaepernick made over $40 million from the NFL. How was any of that risked? At most he risked future earnings, which almost everyone does every day, due to their own decisions. https://www.spotrac.com/nfl/san-francisco-49ers/colin-kaepernick-7751/cash-earnings/
  8. There were 3 seconds left on the clock when the Chargers lined up for the first attempted game winning field goal. Offside Pittsburgh. There were 3 seconds left on the clock when the Chargers lined up for the second attempted game winning field goal. Offside Pittsburgh. There were 0 seconds left on the clock when the Chargers lined up for the third attempted game winning field goal. Not that it would have mattered much, but I stand corrected on the above, I verified it was indeed 0 at the time of the second attempt, but sticking with the below: holy **** the officiating is horrid.
  9. A response anything other than this would have disappointed me.
  10. From your comments in a different thread, I see what you are doing there.
  11. This is amusing, given that you were the one running to tell the teacher earlier:
  12. The title makes it sound like Jack is a creepy old man...
  13. Prisoner sextortion ring targeting members of the US Military
  14. Just checking... You do realize this isn't one of those "Last Post Wins" threads, right?
  15. I agree. Why show a pool of sludge slowly inching it's way uphill into a thunderstorm?
  16. Statecraft? In South Africa? The only question is are they going to take her handbags when she lands there or will they let her settle in first? https://www.thesouthafrican.com/land-expropriation-what-happens-next-2019/ Maybe Kamala Harris can take a field trip and pick up some pointers to use in the Democrats vision for America.
  17. I realize this will be wasted breath, but try to take a moment, step back, and think fully about what you stated. And because this is probably necessary: *Hint: it involves Trump*
  18. Replace a few words and it sounds like the presidential election in 2008. As a further reference, from Sarah Palin: "I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a 'community organizer,' except that you have actual responsibilities." And a community organizer is worlds above a bartender.
  19. Fixed this for you: The sad part is he will still have more yards than the Bills tonight.
  20. Only 11? Well then with 10 draft picks next year (which surely they will hit on them all, right?!) and a ton of cap space, all I am hearing you say is that we are primed for greatness in the near future! That, or I need to stop drinking heavily in the morning...
  21. I'm not sure how to embed from the twitterverse, so maybe someone can assist, but here is the play: https://twitter.com/MountainWest/status/772354373376577540
  22. I agree. The thing you need to take into account, however, is that this was produced by the team itself, so obviously the production and editing are extremely biased. Hard Knocks has no interest in making the Browns out to be anything other than the clown show it is.
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