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Everything posted by Hedge

  1. Who's Canada?
  2. Nowadays, it's called "journalism".
  3. https://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-times-delivery-breakdown-20181229-story.html
  4. A poll shows that most people don't believe polls are accurate. Is this like a double negative?
  5. Gotta try to keep the kids in shape there, so they have a fighting chance against the clergy.
  6. 911 is completely offline in the state of Washington due to High Winds. Other areas of the country are also affected.
  7. Just another brick in the wall. https://www.irishtimes.com/news/social-affairs/over-300-alleged-child-abuse-cases-identified-by-scouting-ireland-1.3727771
  8. Transformer explodes in New York City, causing the sky to turn blue. At a ConEd substation at 1740 31 Street in Astoria. Plant TL-117 http://nymag.com/intelligencer/2018/12/new-york-city-blue-sky-explosion.html
  9. You have a problem with her, just because she is a possible Satanist? Queen Elizabeth Found Guilty in Missing Children Case Or is it the cannibal thing?
  10. Have any questions for HRC?
  11. Final sentence of the article:
  12. Federal courts nationwide are being asked to put current proceedings on hold. It's almost like there are ~70,000 sealed indictments that may need to be prioritized.
  13. Nothing to see here... https://www.justice.gov/usao-edmo/pr/former-dojo-pizza-owner-found-guilty-federal-child-sex-charges
  14. Go East, orange man. Air Force One in Europe Holiday rah-rah session for troop morale?
  15. I'm not able to comb through things right now, but is the thinking landing on Assange?
  16. Human trafficking advisory council bill heads to the Presidents desk: https://www.hatch.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?p=releases&id=20EDD896-7CA9-4043-ADCE-E564A97DB05F
  17. Bomb threats all over the country today. It's almost like someone/thing is trying to move eyes away from any other discussions that are occurring today. https://www.cnn.com/2018/12/13/us/email-bomb-threats/index.html
  18. Watching the stream, doesn't the guy in the background, with the black tshirt on, and eating, seem a little out of place?
  19. Does that Muslim publication happen to mention that one of the many reasons behind the protest is due to France losing their country to Muslims? It doesn't? *Shocked face*
  20. Learn2Source. Mousing over your link shows it's from Al Jazeera. No matter what the truth of the French protests are, you go there for confirmation?
  21. From the 2nd link: December 9-15, 2018: Human Rights Week December 10, 2018: Human Rights Day December 15, 2018: Bill of Rights Day Get your popcorn ready, next week is setting up to take this thing to a whole new level.
  22. Unless Pence is dirty too.
  23. This is nothing compared to them being taught that boys may be girls and girls may be boys. Confuse a bunch of kids so that a fraction of a percent feel more included. Makes sense, right?!
  24. Bomb threat at CNN offices in NYC. https://www.foxnews.com/us/cnn-evacuated-due-to-bomb-threat-report Update: All clear was given.
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