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Everything posted by Hedge

  1. I believe in current leftist terminology it would be: "liberated himself from oppression".
  2. Then you could buy all the fanciest Dijon ketchups.
  3. I haven't done much digging on this but apparently in NY: " Homicide means conduct which causes the death of a person or an unborn child with which a female has been pregnant for more than twenty-four weeks under circumstances constituting murder, manslaughter in the first degree, manslaughter in the second degree, criminally negligent homicide, abortion in the first degree or self-abortion in the first degree." https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/laws/PEN/125.00 But, there is a conflicting statute: 1. "Person," when referring to the victim of a homicide, means a human being who has been born and is alive. https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/laws/PEN/125.05 In regards to homicide of an unborn child, here is a full list of how states handle it: https://www.nrlc.org/federal/unbornvictims/statehomicidelaws092302/ "38 states that recognize the unlawful killing of an unborn child as homicide in at least some circumstances"
  4. Too many are too far gone. Another member of tribe @Tiberius
  5. Those protest signs look like they were made with a Lite Bright. Except I don't think AOC would be able to figure out how to use a child's toy.
  6. This name just keeps popping up: Perkins Coie Clinton, Mueller, human trafficking connections...could they all be linked? Does the Deep State still sound like a crazy conspiracy theory?
  7. CA state senator bans gendered pronouns, but then violates her own rules over and over
  8. Sure, it could be related to CNN or another leftist source. I would also not be surprised, however, if the account was linked to someone on the right, who wanted to show how the MSM responds, and in turn, how their loony pawns react. This incident has caused some people to wake up to the fact that the MSM does not report facts. And that may have been the end game.
  9. Yep, this over reaction sounds about right. Friends don't friends wear hats.
  10. Believe it or not, which you won't, that wall is for you too. Those who don't realize that are simply too far gone. It might not even be your own fault, as some are much easier to manipulate through the constant bombarding of the MSM throughout the years and it has been happening for your entire life.
  11. He is a lot more than that. Even Google hasn't scrubbed the Creepy Uncle Joe references.
  12. Simple mistake. Guess they will just need to put this on ice for a little while longer. That ice may be getting crowded.
  13. Iv'e seen some chatter about it possibly being related to the foiled planned attack on the White House on that same day. Have you heard anything along these lines that you are willing to share?
  14. It's not the extremist flags. It's not the rifles. It's not the masked faces. It's the battle sandals that inspire fear.
  15. The kid who just stood there when the asshat Indian started banging the drum right in his face showed remarkable composure. Not only that, that same kid also was trying to get some of the other kids around him to calm down, who were going back and forth with the other Indian who was talking smack. Bang Drum Long Time deserved a lot worse than a wounded knee.
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