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Everything posted by Hedge

  1. Suicided? A woman who helped to bring down a Brazilian faith healer accused of sex abuse has taken her own life in Spain. Sabrina Bittencourt, 38, died at her home in Barcelona just days after accusing John of God - real name Joao Teixeira de Faria - of running a 'sex slave farm'. She knew they would come for her family unless she gave up herself to them first.
  2. Has anyone ever seen Gary Busey and HRC at the same time, in the same place?
  3. It's just the latest action by the National Popular Vote numbskulls to try and do away with the Electoral College. It is absolutely frightening what is occurring right under our noses. Be afraid.
  4. The Colorado Senate this week passed a bill that would award the state's electoral votes to the presidential candidate who wins the nationwide popular vote.
  5. This is a more current update, ~2 months later, on 09/01/18. It almost doubled since 06/26/18. And how many more have occurred in the last 5 months?
  6. You have to admire how well Putin played the long game though. All the way back in1987, when he was a "translator" (undercover lower level KGB) he got Gorbachev to agree to sign the INF Treaty, knowing that after he helped elect Trump in 2016, Trump could then withdraw from this treaty in order to make it look like Trump was not in Putin's pocket.
  7. I'll take "Things That Are Not A Coincidence" for $1000, Alex.
  8. I wonder what poor baker was forced to bake the cake for that union.
  9. I never had anything to do with Russia, ever! In most things in life I am a very pessimistic person. In your case, however, I am eternally optimistic that you will always find a way to say things that are more ridiculous than before.
  10. DALLAS – Catholic leaders in Texas on Thursday identified 286 priests and others accused of sexually abusing children, a number that represents one of the largest collections of names to be released since an explosive grand jury report last year in Pennsylvania.
  11. The plan to refute the narrative of incoming deep fake video claims (watch the video): The Department of Defense, through the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), has commissioned researchers across the United States to begin developing ways to detect when a video is a deepfake.
  12. It hasn’t happened yet, but if you come to my restaurant wearing a MAGA cap, you aren’t getting served, same as if you come in wearing a swastika, white hood, or any other symbol of intolerance and hate.
  13. "Wasserman-Shultz told CNN"...that settles it then, coming from these fountains of truth. RUSSIA!
  14. And how would this not violate the Hippocratic Oath? Would all of the murdering actually have to be done by a non-physician?
  15. I can't shake the possibility of these laws actually being secretly pushed by the religious right, knowing it will lead to public outcry. Then eventually the abortion issue finds its way back to the Supreme Court, resulting in Roe v. Wade being overturned. While I support Roe v Wade, I am horrified by these full term abortion laws.
  16. How does a word like "cisgender" even exist? It's called being normal. Not everyone is normal, and that's fine, but holy crap balls this world has jumped the shark.
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