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Everything posted by Hedge

  1. Trump has been drug through the mud like few people in history. I kind of get your side though, because not only has he remained upright, he keeps delivering haymakers. That must be quite disconcerting.
  2. Would I be going out on a limb to guess the investment would cost an arm and a leg?
  3. This is an interesting read. The biography provided by Barack Obama to his literary agent specified his birthplace as “Kenya” and, over the course of 17 years, despite multiple revisions by Obama, the Kenyan birthplace remained a fundamental part of the bio on the agent’s website.
  4. Meanwhile, similar things are advancing in New Mexico: https://www.lifenews.com/2019/02/07/new-mexico-house-passes-bill-to-legalize-abortions-up-to-birth/ and VT: https://www.lifenews.com/2019/02/07/vermont-committee-passes-radical-bill-legalizing-abortions-up-to-birth/ and MA: https://www.lifenews.com/2019/02/07/massachusetts-bill-follows-new-yorks-radical-agenda-legalizes-abortions-up-to-birth/
  5. Wait. This isn't normal? I'm heading into a high level business meeting in minutes and *now* I learn that I need to adjust my greeting?!
  6. I am guessing the first few words of AOC's Green Deal are: "This one time, in band camp..."
  7. Something else I found interesting, is that I am pretty sure the schedule that was posted on 2/5/19, only accounted for the President to be at the SOTU for ~30 minutes. But his speech alone took almost 1.5 hours. There are so many fun reasons as to why this would intentionally low balled... I know images must exist somewhere of that days schedule, but I haven't found them in a quick search.
  8. It could also just be some large equipment that was used during the "training". But I hope it was evidence of some sort...
  9. Additionally, I always thought it was weird this wasn't a blue checkmark account. Edit: I had the suspended account mixed up with the https://twitter.com/POTUSPress/ account for the below comment. There had been some very pointed tweets from this source, some that really kicked the Deep State in the nuts.
  10. Three years after Apple refused to give the federal government access to the devices used by the San Bernadino terrorists who killed and injured dozens in a mass shooting event, the company has given the office of the Special Counsel complete access to Trump advisor Roger Stone’s iCloud account
  11. For what it is worth (I haven't verified it myself):
  12. Can you provide some context, please? I haven't seen anything about this yet. What was the location? I didn't see any cars operating in the street the helicopters were landing on, so I assume road blocks had been set up? The groups of people in white were special forces possibly? But they were wearing white, which I wouldn't expect at night. So, evidence seizure by some other military unit?
  13. You have actually become a parody of yourself. It's an extremely entertaining thing to watch. Thank you!
  14. At this rate it's going to be a VA county dog catcher who winds up in the Governors mansion.
  15. To underscore how quickly Democrats turn to race-baiting in order to undermine anyone they disagree with, leftists dragged Bernie Sanders on social media, suggesting he’s a racist for broadcasting his own State of the Union rebuttal
  16. And I thought being "in the closet" was just a figure of speech.
  17. Let's ignore the fact that her own chosen religion treats her like a 2nd class citizen. Let's also ignore, that she wants to treat anyone who does not also hold her warped views as a 2nd class citizen. Never give up being a victim, it's what the left now does best!
  18. From the linked article, since it really sums it up well for those who don't read it themselves: These people are sick.
  19. Next I would like to see the report on Domestic Interference on Election or Political/Campaign Infrastructure in 2018 Elections.
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