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Everything posted by Hedge

  1. From the article: This sounds like a familiar pattern of behavior. Don't ask about anything that puts a hole in the rowboat. (Hi Q.)
  2. This is a fun read. Many forget that Schiller has been Trump’s feared Director of Security, since 2004. A law enforcement veteran himself, Schiller had assembled a private army of ultra loyal PIs, ex-cops, FBI agents, spooks, military veterans and detectives, well before Trump began his GOP primary run, in 2015.
  3. From 2013: Sen. Diane Feinstein’s husband Richard Blum won a $1B construction contract for California’s high-speed rail project, reports the California Political Review.
  4. The clip you posted cuts off right before this beauty gets launched: If we see a picture of her with her hair being shown, doesn't she have to get stoned to death or something? https://alphanewsmn.com/ilhan-omar-arrested-in-2013-for-trespassing-booked-at-hennepin-county-jail/
  5. From Oct 2018, but I don't see that this has made an appearance here yet. A troubling pattern of state law violations improperly used campaign resources for personal travel expenses using campaign money to pay legal fees to her divorce attorney accepted payments from the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system, a direct violation of House ethics rules
  6. The check must have cleared. Netflix reportedly paid $10M for campaign documentary featuring AOC
  7. You've gone full Tiberious. Never go full Tiberious.
  8. Just think how much interesting insight, knowledge, and analysis, well ahead of the curve, that we would have missed out on if DR was a fan of any other football team...
  9. Back before the internet, it was normally only the village who knew...
  10. Well, let's also consider that as of 11/8/16, 538 had Trump's chances at winning the presidency at 28.6%... https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2016-election-forecast/ Still think splitting the difference yields anything close to accurate?
  11. I find the cows protest to be very mooving.
  12. Judge for yourself. This is the actual RBG event she supposedly attended. I have not watched much of it yet, and it is painful to watch because the performance is horrible (IMO).
  13. The 9th circuit what?! Is there an emoji for deep breathing into a paper bag?
  14. since 1998, roughly 380 Southern Baptist church leaders and volunteers have faced allegations of sexual misconduct...They left behind more than 700 victims
  15. I had not heard of this yet. File this under: Oh My God. /Thread The text of the Pope's speech: https://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2019/february/documents/papa-francesco_20190204_emiratiarabi-incontrointerreligioso.html The document signed by the Pope and The Grand Imam of Iran: https://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/travels/2019/outside/documents/papa-francesco_20190204_documento-fratellanza-umana.html
  16. Does this sync up with what you have heard?
  17. That it is. And it actually has quite a few Bills fans. In my neighborhood alone, there are at least 4 households.
  18. I'm still about 30 minutes behind, but how do DoJ diversity questions even come up during this testimony? Cedric Richmond spent greater than 75% of his time on this..
  19. And if you have the time, this entire discussion is VERY interesting, enticing nuggets are sprinkled all throughout it: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3022857
  20. “It’s a well-kept secret, but 95 per cent of the climate models we are told prove the link between human CO2 emissions and catastrophic global warming have been found, after nearly two decades of temperature stasis, to be in error,”
  21. Climate change is a hoax developed as part of a secret plot by the United Nations to undermine democracies and takeover the world, a top adviser to Tony Abbott, Australia’s prime minister, has warned.
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