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Everything posted by Hedge

  1. For laughs, I used to watch some of Alex Jones way back when he was just cutting his teeth on a Austin, Tx community cable access channel. Fun fact: Alex Jones' father was a dentist. My mother used to go to this dentist and would see Alex in the office picking up his personal mail from there, because he was already paranoid enough in the early 1990's to let anyone have his real address.
  2. Let's put it into a football analogy. Trump and Kim have only played a few games. Yet, some like to point out that Trump hasn't won the Super Bowl. Well, of course not, as the regular season isn't even over yet!
  3. Maybe female athletes can begin to identify as having down syndrome, because that makes about as much sense as this nonsense. At least then they would have the Special Olympics to look forward to.
  4. From the article: Wow. So, at least in that area, has the pedo reputation of the clergy finally caught up with them? Offhand does anyone know if this is standard practice in other areas?
  5. Swampy? Nikki Haley has been nominated for election to the Boeing Board of Directors.
  6. LIVE: Trump-Kim summit begins in Hanoi, Vietnam Feed is active.
  7. The Senate on Tuesday confirmed President Trump's nominee to be a judge on the liberal 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in a party-line vote -- and, in a historic snub, the White House ignored the input of the judge's two Democratic home-state senators in the process.
  8. *HEAVY* fog of war, and lots of conflicting information, but there seems to be agreement that there is something big going on in the Sialkot region right now. Both sides moving heavy artillery and tanks toward various forward positions, which wouldn't be unexpected given the circumstances.
  9. If only there was a some sort of way we could have seen this coming. It seemed like such a good idea. What could go wrong?
  10. You did it Tibs! I'm sure you are right! You figured out the secret key to it all. I guess Mueller can wrap it up, toss Trump in jail, and we can all go home and forget about anything else. I'm relieved it's finally over.
  11. FYI, it is currently ~3AM there, so "tomorrow" more than likely means a few hours (IMO).
  12. This LGBT Activist’s House Was Burned Down. Police Now Suspect He Set the Fire Himself. He had previously been named "Citizen of the Year" by a local paper declared him. Oh, and the house that he *perhaps* burned down also had his own pets in it at the time (2 dogs, 3 cats).
  13. Oh look, I caught a shill while I was eating lunch. I love efficiency. Looking back, it was pretty darn good shill bait and I can see why you couldn't resist. And good job trying to put words in my mouth, while not backing up your claim, but this is expected behavior, as well. I'll go ahead and link directly to the post you referenced, instead of the beginning of a 230+ page thread: https://www.twobillsdrive.com/community/topic/191395-the-deep-state-war-heats-up-ph34r/?page=226&tab=comments#comment-5649115 Where exactly do I say I believe it? Or that I don't? I took no stance on it. There are 2 links directly to the Vatican as a source, for people to peruse it and make up their own minds. I put eyes on something they may not have seen otherwise, which was the intent. I don't feel the need to explain my stances or rationale on many issues, because I think it's a waste of my time. My words are not usually going to sway anyones hardened opinions. But, all, please do take this piece of shills advice. I am floored that he actually said it. Look for yourself and don't believe me. And don't stop with this India/Pakistan issue. But you be you, BM. Now I am going to go take one in your honor.
  14. We are the news now.
  15. Back to the intent of the thread:
  16. You are going to become a babbling idiot when your whole paradigm collapses around you. But at least we won't notice the difference.
  17. Do not pass Go. Proceed directly to idiots. Moving a countrywide coalition one step closer to circumventing the Electoral College.
  18. A unique situation where Pakistani cow shields would be more effective than human shields.
  19. Things have really ratcheted up in the last hour with India and Pakistan.
  20. Transgenderism is a mental disorder. I truly feel sorry for people who experience this, and it's not their fault (I can't even imagine the horror of thinking you don't belong inside your own body), but they are crazy. They are much, much, further away than 3 standard deviations from normal. Despite what the touchy-feely types want to think, people are not all created equal and virtually everyone is broken to some degree. But the degree to which they are broken can vary greatly. If someone walked around, truly believing they were a unicorn, they would be considered to be crazy. Crazy people should be accommodated to a certain degree, but not to the detriment of society at large.
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