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Everything posted by Hedge

  1. The NBC investigation was broadcast at a time when they were a real news organization rather than a branch of the Democratic Party’s PR department, and provided internal State Department memos to back up claims of a massive Hillary Clinton elite pedophile ring cover-up.
  2. Unfortunately there appears to be no video of the shellacking.
  3. Kim Jong Un Willing to Negotiate with Trump Admin But the deranged media would probably remove a space from this to: Kim Jong UnWilling to Negotiate with Trump Admin
  4. While I would normally agree, sometimes even a blind squirrel can find a nut. Original tweet was deleted, so no longer appears above: *fog of war*
  5. Bernie is just the first one to admit that there is a need to appeal to the illegal voters.
  6. While the last few days have been more quiet, it's not over. Pakistan has also released the captured Indian pilot within the last hour.
  7. Where have we seen a pattern like this before? There is an exodus of senior lawmakers in Australia.
  8. More smoke. This was in 2017, which is when the donations really dried up to the CF. The Canadian government is donating 20 million dollars to the Clinton Foundation. The money will distributed over four years to assist in sexual and reproductive health programs in Nigeria. According to this article, 2017 saw only $26,566,825 in donations. So Trudeau accounted for almost all of it.
  9. And the past tense: Yore an idiot.
  10. Quarterbacks! And if you can get someone to organize an Easter Egg hunt at the White House, surely that means you possess the chutzpah to govern a nation!
  11. My first thought when reading your post, "It must be California". Yep. This state is a travesty.
  12. NY is in it. On November 7, 2016, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo signed legislation making New York's approval of the National Popular Vote compact permanent. The bill will take effect when enacted by states with 98 more electoral votes. Edit: I don't think they have updated the numbers since CO fell into the trap. So, it's even more dire.
  13. Happy hunting! Please share what you find, if you don’t mind. This guy has dropped some other interesting information in the past and has some good sources. If Trudeau really is the first big fish, then this is going to turn out to be quite the school.
  14. Just wait until you see Tiberious.
  15. In DC Tom's case, name calling just means he loves hates loves to hate you.
  16. I'm going to go with Jim Bob Cooter. Which sounds like a guy with hound dogs that treed a beaver. Or maybe bushed a beaver? hmm
  17. Interesting. A group of unidentified men entered North Korea’s embassy in Madrid last Friday, bound and gagged staff, and drove off four hours later with computers In the run-up to the Feb. 27-28 summit, Kim Hyok Chol has been in talks with U.S. counterpart Stephen Biegun to lay the groundwork for the meeting. He became North Korea’s ambassador to Spain from 2015-2017.
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