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Everything posted by Hedge

  1. If I thought it were possible for people to get an even lower opinion of you, I would suggest you take a break from posting for awhile. So, just keep posting.
  2. Putting this here only because I am to lazy to do digging for an old Obama Foreign Policy thread to give credit where it is properly due! ? The stupid is still strong with this one.
  3. ? Tibs, you link articles that disprove the points you try to make regularly because you only read the headline. I know this sounds nuts to you, but some people read the contents of reports and articles. There are words in there. And these words actually mean things! So, as crazy as it sounds, consider that he is actually going through it.
  4. A coalition of 500 cities, counties and Native American tribes is suing OxyContin maker Purdue Pharma and some members of the billionaire family that controls it over the country’s deadly opioid crisis.
  5. I can't wait to see the next face that shows up at this party!
  6. I am just hoping that my DNA results come back as 1/1024th black.
  7. Not so much Deep State, as incompetence, but dropping this here: Facebook announced on Thursday that "hundreds of millions" of users' passwords had been stored in unprotected plain text accessible by the company's employees. And a word of warning: Facebook is far from the only company who has done/is doing this. I have been inside databases of a few different billion dollar revenue companies and seen this very thing with my own eyes. Some even store unmasked Social Security Numbers (although from my experience, most of these seemed to usually be related to people who have legal garnishments against them or have ties to a terrorist organization).
  8. I could very well be wrong about this, but I a sneaking suspicion that Epstein is one of the few people who is untouchable by the Clinton’s, due to having videos of incriminating evidence and a dead mans switch.
  9. @John from Riverside Does President Trump act like a toad often? Undoubtedly. Does he act like a 5 year old child who wants to take his ball and go home at times? For sure. Does Trump act presidential most of the time? Not even close. What Trump has done, however, is cast himself into the vipers nest in an attempt to give us our country back. In doing so, he has put himself, and his family, at great risk. He is besieged by many in the public, the main stream media, social networks, and various governmental officials 24 hours a day, for no other reason than for him being outside the establishment. No one could be expected to continually act presidential during this assault. If you stick around here long enough (even if you just lurk), have an open mind, and poke around in the various threads, you will come across many unpleasant truths. And you may wonder how so many, got away with so much, for so long. Trump is the wrecking ball and the pendulum is just about to swing. I highly encourage you to spend the ~5 minutes watching this video. It's loaded with heavy truths. I don't expect you to believe them, but at a minimum it should raise some questions for you to reflect on.
  10. Bill Clinton, a priest, and a hooker all walk into a bar. They sit down on bar stools at the counter. Bill pulls out a cigar. The priest opens up a bible. The hooker eyes them both, warily. The bartender says:
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