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Everything posted by Hedge

  1. Link is from a different source: Kevin McAleenan, the current U.S. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner, will become Acting Secretary
  2. This thread is well worth the read.
  3. +1 He is the only poster I have ever put on ignore. He brings nothing but idiocy. Did it just a few days ago and it's better already! As an added bonus, if ignored, you no longer have to see his self portrait anymore, either.
  4. Maybe it was this "training event", which occurred about a week ago: Army special ops exercise spooks nearby residents
  5. No sign of this on the live stream, but it is just a static shot right now. Unless he got Khashoggi'd!
  6. It sure doesn't seem like the kid gave Biden permission to touch him.
  7. There isn't anything going on right now, except for a giant teddy bear hanging out with a guitar, but here is a Ruptly live stream of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London.
  8. If that was done by a GOP PAC, I admit I am not entirely sure why they wasted the money now. Maybe they had some interns with spare time. The dumpster fire of the Democrat nomination hasn't really even started yet, where the jackals are going to feast on each other unlike anything ever seen before (IMO). And I find it hard to believe the GOP leadership is afraid of going up against Biden.
  9. Transcripts (Bill Priestap's was released today), among other things have been added to the original post. Let me know if I missed any of the transcripts.
  10. Urine for a long wait.
  11. In addition to the outside sources, I think it would potentially be beneficial to add another section linking to some of the A+ posts within PPP itself. There are a lot of great explanations and rebuttals (with an extra special thanks to @Deranged Rhino). They are scattered throughout many different threads and I will add what I find when I come across them again. If you can think of (or find) any of them, please post them below and I will add them to the first post in the thread.
  12. Only because of your avatar:
  13. So many threads this could go in, but I'll drop it here:
  14. Yes, I have been planning on doing exactly that actually (when I get some time later today).
  15. Interesting tactic. Trump could get complete border security funding immediately if he tried to go this route.
  16. If robots ever end up killing us all, I will be extremely disappointed if it's with something so low tech.
  17. I am fully aware that there are many regulars on PPP who don't need this advice. Perhaps, however, this will help some of the lurkers, should they be coming across this same situation I am. And with what I *think* is going to be happening in the next few months, there may be a lot more confused people, flailing to try and make sense of what is occurring. With the recent summary release of the Mueller report, I have had numerous discussions with friends, family, and co-workers who are a little bit shell shocked as to the findings. During the course of our discussions, it was not at all uncommon for some of them to say "Well, I'm going to go see what CNN says about it.". When I question why they are willingly running back to the outlet that has been blatantly lying to them for years, the typical response is an incredulous, "Where else should i go?". I do not give blanket statements of support to any publication, but below I have put together a list of sources I typically will provide of those who nailed the Mueller Report. I also think it's important to keep the list fairly short. These are ordered alphabetically by first name (Journalist : Association : Twitter): Chuck Ross : The Daily Caller : https://twitter.com/ChuckRossDC Jeff Carlson : The Epoch Times : https://twitter.com/themarketswork John Solomon : The Hill : https://twitter.com/jsolomonReports Kim Strassel : Wall Street Journal : https://twitter.com/KimStrassel Mollie Hemingway : The Federalist : https://twitter.com/mzhemingway Sara Carter : Fox News : https://twitter.com/SaraCarterDC I am also just including their Twitter, since they self-promote their pieces. It's also important to know your audience, as the majority of people who get their "news" from CNN, will turn off any willingness to listen when they hear any major association to Fox News. But, for those willing to be yelled at yet for 50 minutes, I also include: Sean Hannity Tucker Carlson Here is another one who almost made my list, but I think he is to screechy to introduce to people who are just now waking up to the truth: Brian Cates : The Epoch Times : https://twitter.com/drawandstrike I am curious, however, if any of you were to swap out sources in my initial list of 6, who would you replace them with? ***************************************************************************************************** ***Below is a work in progress and contains other source suggestions from our PPP community*** Individuals: Catherine Herridge : Fox News : Articles Source: https://muckrack.com/catherine-herridge/articles (no Twitter account) Andrew McCarthy : National Review : https://twitter.com/@AndrewCMcCarthy John Batchelor : Independent Radio Show/Podcast : https://twitter.com/batchelorshow Sharyl Attkisson : Investigative Reporter : https://twitter.com/SharylAttkisson Margot Cleveland : The Federalist : https://twitter.com/profmjcleveland William A. Jacobson : Conservative Lawyer: https://twitter.com/leginsurrection Andrew Wilkow : Independent Radio Show : https://twitter.com/WilkowMajority Glenn Greenwald : The Intercept : https://twitter.com/ggreenwald Specific Articles/Other Sources mentioned within this thread:: Matt Taibbi's reaction to the Mueller Report Piers Morgan Article: The Russia collusion hoax was a disgraceful fake news witch-hunt that shames all of Trump’s deranged enemies in the media The book "The Case for Trump" by Victor Davis Hanson : Book Reviews The Federalist Reason Magazine https://www.theepochtimes.com/spygate-the-inside-story-behind-the-alleged-plot-to-take-down-trump_2833074.html Helpful Posts/Articles/Videos compiled from other threads within our PPP community, as well as outiside sources: User Post: The Origins of Trump/Russia Collusion Byron York: Five things that didn't happen in the Mueller investigation Justice Department Delivers Mueller Conclusions To Congress – No Collusion Matt Taibbi Article: Russiagate is this generation's WMD Andrew McCarthy Article: After Mueller’s Exoneration of Trump, Full Disclosure User Post: Debunking the Trump Tower meeting, GOP Platform change, Trump team contact with Russians User Post: More In Depth Debunking the Trump Tower Meeting DOJ let Russian lawyer into US before Trump Tower meeting How did Russian lawyer Veselnitskaya get into U.S. for Trump Tower meeting? Video: John Solomon and Sara Carter on the Mark Levin TV Show Mollie Hemingway Article: Media outlets regurgitated leaks from politicized intelligence officials. They should have been far more skeptical. Sharyl Attkisson Article: Apologies to President Trump Trump owns the downside better than anyone. A Listing of Participants CIA Crimes: How John Brennan Weaponized the CIA and FBI, and Conspired to Frame Trump—PART A CIA Crimes: How John Brennan Weaponized the CIA and FBI, and Conspired to Frame Trump—PART B CIA Crimes: How John Brennan Weaponized the CIA and FBI, and Conspired to Frame Trump—PART C CIA Crimes: How John Brennan Weaponized the CIA and FBI, and Conspired to Frame Trump—PART D CIA Crimes: How John Brennan Weaponized the CIA and FBI, and Conspired to Frame Trump—PART E John Solomon Article: The Lesson of Mueller: An innocent man's defense can look like a guilty man's obstruction A Quiet Hero – NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers Sara Carter Article: Mueller’s Report Ends ‘WitchHunt’ But What’s About To Unfold Is The Real Story User Post: Origins of the Russian Collusion Hoax User Post: Highlighting the Illegal Actions Taken Before the 2016 Election Transcripts from the House Judiciary Committee: Bill Priestap (from 6/5/18) Peter Strzok (from 6/27/18) Lisa Page Part 1 (from 7/13/18) Lisa Page Part 2 (from 7/16/18) Bruce Ohr (from 08/28/18) James Baker Part 1 (from 10/3/18) James Baker Part 2 (from 10/18/18) Nellie Ohr (from 10/19/18) George Papadopoulos (from 10/25/18) James Comey (from 12/7/18) Other Documents: William Barr's Notification of the Submission of Mueller's Report William Barr's Mueller Report Summary ***Link to The Mueller Report*** Other Twitter Follows: Chad Pegram : Fox News : https://twitter.com/ChadPergram Mark Meadows : House Republican : https://twitter.com/RepMarkMeadows Jim Jordan : House Republican : https://twitter.com/Jim_Jordan Doug Collins : House Republican : https://twitter.com/RepDougCollins Devin Nunes : House Republican : https://twitter.com/DevinNunes Byron York : Washington Examiner: https://twitter.com/ByronYork Lindsey Graham : House Senator : https://twitter.com/LindseyGrahamSC Paul Sperry : RealClearInvestigations : https://twitter.com/paulsperry_ Undercover Huber : Twitter Persona : https://twitter.com/JohnWHuber Notable Twitter threads: Attorney General William Barr's Press Conference the morning the Mueller Report was publicly made available. No Collusion. No Obstruction.
  18. I've been waiting for someone to pot one of these together. I was not disappointed.
  19. Video queued up a little bit before the exchange. I think you can even hear someone in the background laughing when she says it.
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