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Everything posted by Hedge

  1. Plus a fun movie tie-in, since the title could be the new motto of the DNC. "I didn't say it!" "Or did I?"
  2. For sure. I know I need refreshers for what I have forgotten or mis-remembered with all the different threads being pulled (I knew I should have taken notes from the start!), so I will gladly even re-read things. I'm just tired of the "look at me" media.
  3. Chinese interests and assets continue to get rolled up. “Former U.S. Intelligence officer Kevin Patrick Mallory will spend the next 20 years of his life in prison for conspiring to pass national defense information to a Chinese intelligence officer,” said Assistant Attorney General John Demers.  “This case is one in an alarming trend of former U.S. intelligence officers being targeted by China and betraying their country and colleagues.  This sentence, together with the recent guilty pleas of Ron Hansen in Utah and Jerry Lee in Virginia, deliver the stern message that our former intelligence officers have no business partnering with the Chinese, or any other adversarial foreign intelligence service.” The below is from last week, apologies if it was previously posted: A federal grand jury returned an indictment unsealed today in Indianapolis, Indiana, charging a Chinese national as part of an extremely sophisticated hacking group operating in China and targeting large businesses in the United States, including a computer intrusion and data breach of Indianapolis-based health insurer Anthem Inc. (Anthem).
  4. Nothing new to see here. Someone on their staff probably just finished reading some of Gpap's book. Edit: That's not a dig at you, Foxx. Just my personal gripe with the "DEVELOPING" opening.
  5. Insurer says Iran's Guards likely to have organized tanker attacks
  6. It would definitely be frustrating. But it would still be better than (to steal your phrasing): Being one of the D Congress critters, knowing (nearly) everything that went down, creating the spin, and knowing what it coming.
  7. Link to the first part of the Barr interview that is airing today
  8. I thought Barr's facial expression was quite interesting when he used the word "unusual". Watch those eyebrows raise. Queued up a few seconds before:
  9. I haven't yet located the full Barr interview that was released today, but here is at least some of it. It's queued up right before one of the Barr segments. There is a second segment, as well, after some brief commentary. That's as far as I have gotten so far, but scanning through the images I don't see Barr appear again in the video after the second segment.
  10. Swiss President in Surprise White House Visit, May Mediate With Iran
  11. White *male* privilege. His sister wasn't so lucky.
  12. This CENTCOM rebuke was an interesting episode, for sure. Especially when other countries (Germany and the Netherlands at a minimum) were acknowledging the threat and ceasing a number of operations in Iraq due to the threat level that was posed.
  13. I read his book and it definitely seemed to purposefully leave a number of holes in his story. Numerous times he portrays himself as an innocent little lamb and it feels very off in certain situations, despite his ability to frame the narration. Overall his book, while interesting in how he claims the layers of entrapment occurred, is not very memorable IMO. And his wife sets off the spidey alarms, as well. I am sure you have heard the rumors (or more) of how much she is over enjoying the Hollywood lifestyle. After reading George and Simona's tweets I usually feel like I need to take a shower. And DR, I can't wait to see whatever show/movie/book you are putting together with all of your research.
  14. and all 3 WRs who were running "go" routes have tripped over their own feet. There is no downfield option to go over the top.
  15. I'm going to laugh when her job gets taken by an athletic dude, who has decided to go by the name of Sheila, since that's what the leaders she favors champion now. US soccer captain says she will 'probably never sing the national anthem again' as 'f-you' to Trump. 'I'll probably never put my hand over my heart'
  16. You probably saw it floating around because this is the one in which Durham was mentioned.
  17. This particular one was previously released ~1 month ago. I can't find anything new on Collins site at the moment.
  18. Beijing calls for a 'people's war' against the US as Trump threatens tariffs on another $300 billion of Chinese goods in all-out trade battle Taking a page out of the Leftist playbook.
  19. A Saudi oil pipeline was attacked by drones, causing “limited damage,” the Saudi energy minister said on Tuesday, a day after Saudi Arabia said two of its oil tankers had been damaged in an act of sabotage, ratcheting up tensions in the region.
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