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Everything posted by Hedge

  1. NATO Space Force! NATO to Adopt First Space Policy in June
  2. And here we go... 26 pages 307 pages 158 pages
  3. Crazy like a fox, I guess.
  4. The interesting thing IMO is that he was able to seemingly withstand the pain. So, he was either proficient in some amazingly advanced meditation techniques or he was EXTREMELY hopped up on something.
  5. Adding another salacious crumb:
  6. Vanilla WoW was still a cake walk when compared to something like EverQuest. Remember that grind (if you are old enough)?
  7. Fifty children have been rescued and nine people arrested after an Interpol investigation into an international ***** ring. ***** = pedophile
  8. Trump asks Citizenship and Immigration Services head to quit (within the Department of Homeland Security). Last day to be June 1st.
  9. Is correct to assume that you mean Clapper is in talks with the DOJ to flip?
  10. This is from a few days ago. High Priestess Madonna at the Eurovision Song Contest. While the whole thing is heavy into occult symbolism, it really goes off the rails around the 5:00 mark. Holy #### balls, everything has occult meaning, the costumes, lyrics, stage shape, background images... They don't even try to hide anymore.
  11. Now I know why so many publication mistakes make it through!
  12. Isn't the NSA part of the DOD? The Secretary of Defense was listed. Edit: Sorry, I was reading a separate Paul Sperry tweet and conflated it with this one. Second edit: I've been sitting here with a drink or 3 and a huge smile on my face for the last few hours.
  13. These are older cases, but it fits here. Marching orders kept Buffalo cops from arresting child-molesting priests
  14. Transcript dump today Includes: Andrew McCabe Loretta Lynch Trisha Anderson William Sweeny James Rybicki George Toscas Jonathan Moffa John Giacalone Sally Moyer
  15. Yes, he is still being held in the UK (in a maximum security facility, I believe). The US DOJ requested the items and Ecuador agreed to it. So, it would appear that there was a deal of some sort that was cut (or other leverage that was used), as there were other parties that also wanted them.
  16. Ecuador hands over Julian Assange's belongings to US
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