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Everything posted by Hedge

  1. Posting this here, as he was a great source of Iran/MIddle East news and had bubbled up in this topic numerous times. I know a number of people here follow the Twitter account of @HeshmatAlavi. This account has been suspended by Twitter due to accusations made against him in an article in that Heshmat Alavi is not a real person (because it's always a good idea to let your identity be known when criticizing a regime known for murdering dissidents, right?). This was the article that apparently was justification enough for Twitter to suspend the account: AN IRANIAN ACTIVIST WROTE DOZENS OF ARTICLES FOR RIGHT-WING OUTLETS. BUT IS HE A REAL PERSON? And a message/rebuttal from whomever is behind the Heshmat Alavi account: https://irancommentary.wordpress.com/2019/06/09/my-twitter-account-has-been-suspended/ So, the real travesty, is that I guess the Pegula family dog account is next to go.
  2. Regarding the "secret" deal with Mexico: Trump shows off 'secret' Mexico document but photos reveal contents An enhanced picture (full disclosure, this is stored on an 8chan server. It is only a picture of the letter, however, you will not see anything else) Below are the readable text sections when enhanced: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mexico also commits to imme— —domestic laws and regulations with a view to identifying any changes— —to bring into force and implement such an agreement. If the United States determines, at its discretion and after consultation with Mexico, after 45 calendar days from the date of the issuance of the Join Declaration, that the measures adopted by the Government of Mexico pursuant to the Joint Declaration have not sufficiently achieved results in addressing the flow of migrants to the southern border of the United States, the Government of Mexico will take all necessary steps under domestic law to bring the agreement into force with a view to ensuring that the agreement will enter into force within 45 days. Signed on this 7th of June, 2019 in Washington, D.C. by: —————— (signature unreadable) —————— (signature unreadable)
  3. Hong Kong is absolutely boiling right now. A bill that would allow for the extradition of people arrested in Hong Kong to China has lead to mass protests, with some estimates of over 1 million people hitting the streets to march against it for the past few days. The Hong Kong Legislature was supposed to debate it again today (which is 6/12/19 in HK at the moment). That debate has been postponed due to protests. Some protest videos from 6/9/19: https://www.scmp.com/video/hong-kong/3013846/more-1-million-people-join-historic-hong-kong-march-against-extradition https://www.scmp.com/video/hong-kong/3013944/birds-eye-view-hong-kong-protest-against-extradition-law-proposal How will China handle this?
  4. Such a lovely couple. "She is an 'old soul' and the love of my life."
  5. This is worth a watch. #NeverForget
  6. Trump later explained that the secret deal “goes into effect when I want it to.” https://talkingpointsmemo.com/edblog/the-secret-agreement He is holding either an envelope or a folded piece of paper, you twit.
  7. It doesn't even matter what the statistics bear out. The fact of the matter is that any crime committed by ILLEGAL immigrants should never have occurred in the first place if ILLEGAL immigrants were not allowed to flood into our country. 1 crime committed by an ILLEGAL immigrant is 1 too many.
  8. Even those suffering from TDS should appreciate what the Trump administration is doing to protect our children, the most vulnerable of our society.
  9. Careful there, Tibs. It's a slippery slope to border security!
  10. Matt Gaetz goes all savage on John Dean. The first couple of minutes are gold, Jerry! Gold!
  11. A British think-tank has issued a 132 page report advocating for not prosecuting pedophiles for viewing child pornography and abuse videos online Yep, I'm sure that's the reason.
  12. Don't let the door hit you on your way out.
  13. Amusing, but IMO this one doesn't pass the smell test.
  14. So, it appears that John McAfee is on the run (again). And he apparently is planning on dropping some bombs.
  15. For what it's worth (and I haven't been all the way through these yet), these seem to be an interesting interviews concerning AK Senator Linda Collins-Smith, who was apparently due to testify to a grand jury recently concerning the Clinton's. There may be some conspiracy stuff, so don the foil hats, if needed.
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