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Everything posted by Hedge

  1. For what it is worth, Jack Keane is a retired 4 Star General. And if you don't follow this account, you are missing out: She isn't the most humble person, but her analysis is usually next level stuff.
  2. From the article: Imagine the ROI he was expecting for that $73M. I realize that's chump change for Steyer, but it still makes me smile.
  3. I never thought I would see the day that Martin Sheen would make Charlie seem like the rational one in the family.
  4. @sherpa If you feel like sharing, I am curious about a few things. I really like to hear from those who have actually been on the front lines, as it's a perspective that can't ever be fully comprehended by those who haven't been there. Going with the 10 minutes timetable that has been mentioned, if strike aircraft were going to be involved (and were stationed in the immediate vicinity, much closer than 10 minutes flight time), how far into the process had it gotten? Would it be correct to assume that any pre-flight briefings had concluded, that individual targets had been parceled out, and that armaments would have been fully loaded? Would the pilots already have been in their planes awaiting take off, or would they have already been in the air? What would be the overall emotional sense of the pilots after getting called off? Relief? Disappointment?
  5. It's either true, part true, or not true at all. *shrug* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From the guy who admitted to live tweeting closed door testimony:
  6. Trump is now using illegal alien "migrants" for bombing target practice!
  7. And this is why it was interesting wording: Accuracy of this to be determined;
  8. Good luck with the interview proceeding on schedule. Simona is currently waging an epic war on Twitter with George's mother and it looks like they are heading towards splitsville, so his head may not be on straight. Although, with this couple, they seem to thrive on chaos, so who knows... And that's one of the tamer exchanges.
  9. Interesting wording from CENTCOM. https://www.apnews.com/e4316eb989d5499c9828350de8524963
  10. It's a nice story of how we hope decent people would act, but it lacks any sort of specifics, and IMO I highly doubt it really happened. But it was good read
  11. You're right, Tibs. It's not you. It's them. It's all of us that are not you. You can handle this, just remain calm. Deep, slow breathes. Would you like to talk about it? We're here to help you through this and to listen. Let's see if we can figure out how to solve this together. Are you cold? This nice jacket will help warm you up. Easy now.
  12. Gobble Gobble. AOC's handler gets cannibalistic. Oh and ?, Cenk.
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