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Everything posted by Hedge

  1. Surprise! There is video of AOC threatening the agents. It's not released yet, but mentioned below:
  2. Story on the Russian sub (translate it): https://www.rbc.ru/society/02/07/2019/5d1b5c459a7947dae8135c47?from=from_main
  3. Emergency meetings all over.
  4. Perhaps related to the Pence story?
  5. Makes sure to watch ~13 seconds into this video B-Man posted a link to:
  6. Tucker Carlson did an interview with President Trump recently. UFO's were brought up during it. He teases that Trump's response will be shown in a special edition of the show on Friday. That would be 7/5/19, the day after Trump's 4th of July speech. ?? Queued up right when Tucker mentions the Friday show (and there isn't anything related after the first few seconds).
  7. But Disney World doesn't have Leslie. Although a cross dressing, homeless, crazy guy wandering around, who you bumped into *everywhere*, and who ran for mayor periodically, isn't nearly as much an oddity as it used to be, I guess. He was a pretty interesting person to talk to though, especially if you brought him some lunch.
  8. Official explanation: Birds.
  9. It took them 12 hours to find an out of the way internet forum, where he mentioned that James Woods was a good actor. So, they could finally link him to conservative values in order to justify suspending the account.
  10. How did this one escape the MSM editing process? It was supposed to read "Gay man leaps through drive-thru window to avoid being choked by Chick-fil-A workers".
  11. Here's some great footage of President Trump crossing into NK. I still can't get over KJU's expression. That is the face of a happy, relieved man. And... ?
  12. Given that President Trump will be speaking on the 4th, I am guessing this was not thought through very well and will fail remarkably.
  13. It would seem they are trying to manufacture something similar to a Kent State incident. (I am not inferring that Kent State was a set up or anything less than horrific.) In this case, it would be the doxxing leading to “peaceful protesters” outside the homes of armed agents, where the “peaceful protesters” then attempt to break in (like at Tucker’s place). At some point they succeed and get gunned down by an agent who is protecting themselves and their family. Then the MSM has a field day in attempting to further point to “peaceful protesters” massacred by evil ICE agents.
  14. ~50 seconds in. "I've been told that KJU would like to meet and it looks like they are in final stages of working out just a very quick meeting" Currently a live event, where President Trump has mentioned the upcoming DMZ visit with KJU: 11:05PM Pacific: 11:45PM Pacific: The handshake happened. And the USSS must have lost their collective minds as Trump walked 20 paces into North Korea. (Ha! Looking at a re-play of the video I think he took 17 steps forward )
  15. I think you would find a lot fewer than you think. Just because people support what Trump is doing, make fun of the clown show on the Left, and see the harm that has been inflicted on our country, doesn't mean everyone is a Republican. President Trump is the first Republican presidential nominee that I have ever voted for (my 7th election to vote in). He will also be the second. I've always been an independent and have tossed my vote to the Libertarian Party, in the hope of the rise of a valid 3rd option.
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