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Everything posted by Hedge

  1. You would think so, but obviously they have not only been doing it, but getting away with it. There is now a new sheriff in town though.
  2. Please, please, please, Justice Democrats, branch off and start your own party!
  3. 9th Circuit (!) rules in favor of Trump admin in 'sanctuary city' case
  4. Well worth the read IMO.
  5. During AOC's testimony there was a medical emergency which interrupted her impassioned drivel. She stopped and all sound was cut off while it was dealt with. It was the best few minutes of her testimony. And what the bleeding hell are 3 Justice (HAHA) Democrats doing on the panel? Oh, that's right, it's a circus that any able-minded non-Leftist has lost control of. . Tlaib: "First, no one is illegal. That term is derogatory now because it dehumanizes people. You can say any other forms of maybe, "coming in without regulations" or so forth. The use of "illegal" is disrespectful and I ask my colleagues to try in so many ways to not dehumanize our immigrant neighbors who are trying to come in for safe haven." And she cried soon after because of course. What the %$#& has happened to our country? Oh, and they are called "illegal aliens", kthxbai~
  6. This would be more newsworthy if a single month could go by without R Kelly being arrested for being a deviant. I'm thinking this may be the last arrest for him, however.
  7. That’s still very unconfirmed and unlikely (the credibility part of that report, not the delay/reason. It’s reporter generated conclusion. What if Steele flipped? That could be basis for finding the information he shared to be credible. Aside from that, or catching him in other lies they want to prove, I don't see why that would delay the investigation (but what ISN'T delaying the investigation at this point?). I'm sure they were anticipating him sticking to a script and would not glean anything new from it, so if that assumption is correct, it would be an expected outcome and not push the needle any further in either direction IMO. Although flipping would be dangerous as long as HRC and her minions remain at large.
  8. Remember these: It's finally really happening!
  9. From what I can remember, this wasn't the first time she gave the "let's get the hell out of here immediately" signal (~1:33 in) at the earliest possible moment to whomever was standing next to her. Normally I would feel bad for someone who appears to be in distress, not in this case, though.
  10. "wherein criminal/predator status has been established by media reports..." Well, that's a nice out, because we all know how accurate and non-accusatory the media is, especially if they have no evidence. Right?
  11. Not much, just a small fine. $100 for omitting answers. $500 for false answers. 13 U.S. Code § 221. Refusal or neglect to answer questions; false answers And I am sure, the Leftists would wage a campaign to push illegal aliens to simply "identify" as Americans, because the language includes the phrase "willfully gives any answer that is false". And, for what it is worth, this article claims no one has gotten in trouble for just ignoring the Census in the last ~50 years: Americans must answer U.S. Census Bureau survey by law, though agency hasn't prosecuted since 1970 (it also claims the fine could be as much as $5,000, citing: https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/3571)
  12. I also enjoyed Rudy's comment at ~35 seconds in : "...the Clinton Foundation, that phony charity..."
  13. If this is really about obtaining new information, great. But trotting out a new "reluctant witness" every few weeks would also seem to be another delay tactic.
  14. $72M worth of radioactive element used in nuclear reactors reportedly seized in Turkey Important to also note at the end of the article:
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