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Everything posted by Hedge

  1. In this letter below, she states it's due to PP pushing advocacy to the front as it's main mission, not healthcare. This would seem to jive with her reported refusal to go full-Leftist in her statements.
  2. What will Nancy say about it? Too soon?
  3. How long before Nancy blames the Parliamentarian of the House (who is probably in Putin's pocket!) for approving the verbiage? Thomas J. Wickham, Jr.
  4. Not even bothering to hide it anymore.
  5. https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/department-justice-announces-extradition-iranian-national-and-unsealing-charges-against-two
  6. I'm not sure what you are trying to prove with that Hillary .gif, but I like it!
  7. Great thread. President Trump was the right man at the right time. It was an absolute pleasure watching him beat the snot out of the Republican boot lickers in the primary, make HRC and the MSM melt down on election night, and then stand up strongly for *OUR* country ever since. He is a pig (and a pig is what was needed), who not only is not afraid to get down in the mud with the Leftists, but relishes it.
  8. Enemy of the United States:
  9. CNN: Chik-fil-A allows customers to mock deaf patrons.
  10. #Area51RacistAliens Now get that to trend and maybe the problem solves itself.
  11. The battle ready models only go in reverse. And if France has this, I can only imagine what ours can do. Probably even have a waffle maker attachment.
  12. Trump/Homan 2020!
  13. Because I know you will get a kick out of this @DC Tom Apologies if it ends up giving you a hernia.
  14. CNN: Chick-fil-A worker removes tire from elderly man's car
  15. And the U.S. flag is upside down. It sure would be swell if those fleeing from sh!thole countries would leave behind their sh!thole attitudes.
  16. We may need a new thread for all of this fun: The Left Eats It's Own
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