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Everything posted by Hedge

  1. I don't know the original source, but it got fairly popular after ...***gird your loins***... a certain letter (which we have a thread dedicated to) posted it.
  2. Iran is now claiming that the U.S. shot down it's own drone...
  3. Tucker went there tonight: that the snake was not an actual member of the Omar family, which allowed her to falsely use their family name to apply for asylum. Video is queued up.
  4. Assange drops appeal against length of jail term for breaching bail
  5. I tended bar when going through school, so I just want to know how much I am going to get in Tiparations.
  6. If you mean Amash he went the Independent route, not Democrat. He also voted to table it. Which wasn’t surprising since it had no chance to pass and would have hurt his own re-election chances in the future.
  7. Apparently large protests and riots have been going on the last few days demanding resignations.
  8. Trump Impeachment got tabled. It went down in flames...again:
  9. The way that kid falls on his leg is absolutely brutal. Oh to be young again and to be able to bounce back up after. Also, the latest in the Trump impeachment has just started in the House:
  10. CNN: Is Trump a racist? All the women: No. CNN: But he is a racist, so don't you think he is a racist? All the women: No. CNN: Let me tell you what a racist is. Now, don't you think he is a racist? All the women: No. CNN: This is dictionary definition of a racist, doesn't that sound like him? All the women: No. It's a great segment.
  11. That last sentence in the video, hmm...
  12. This has been a fun week so far. Watch this. (Hi Hussein.?️)
  13. I miss him so much from the clown presidential nomination field. I was glad to see him pop back up, so thanks for posting! And a preview of tomorrow:
  14. What if that co-worker complained loudly, every few minutes, that the company sucks, the boss is an #######, everyone that they work with is stupid, and their customers are all racists (while the customers are present)?
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