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Everything posted by Hedge

  1. I can't locate it in this thread yet, but... When was it that there was video of LEOs/Soldiers of some sort exfiltrating into helicopters in (downtown?) LA? I never saw any explanation as to how they got into the buildings that they were exiting from. And I believe it was also speculated in some circles that some/all of them were wearing hazmat gear, in addition to the entry to those buildings being via sewer tunnels. Here's another story related to the current search: It was unclear if the search had any relation to an ongoing federal corruption probe at City Hall focused on downtown-area real estate developments and foreign investments in the projects, specifically from select Chinese investors. Is this Standard?
  2. Personally, I was pretty excited for the changes to the AMT this last go round. First time we didn't get hit with it in many years. If you are still paying it, it more than likely means you are REALLY doing well for yourself, so . But yeah, #@!$ the tax code for thinking that's in any way fair.
  3. They doxxed him today. His response: (edit: best with sound on)
  4. After digging in a new site today: Search for Missing Teenager in Vatican Cemetery Unearths Thousands of Bones
  5. Hackers have breached SyTech, a contractor for FSB, Russia's national intelligence service, from where they stole information about internal projects the company was working on behalf of the agency -- including one for deanonymizing Tor traffic.
  6. This is an older article from April 2018: Save the Children suspends UK funding bids over abuse scandal As pedophiles and trafficking groups masquerading as organizations to help protect children isn't a new development, below is something that I saw pointed out which I hadn't noticed before. More evidence of hiding in plain sight. Their logo: Look at that top part of the logo by itself:
  7. I imagine that you will start seeing this one making the rounds. The uncut video can be seen here: https://www.lasvegasnow.com/news/local-news/live-joe-biden-speaks-at-las-vegas-democratic-event/ This happened at @16 minutes in, and before that Biden mentions that she is his grand daughter. So, judge, if you wish, but do it with the full picture.
  8. This is quite a story. He was involved in an incident which paralyzed an Ohio State teammate during his freshman year. Kurt Coleman's unbreakable bond with the teammate he paralyzed
  9. RESOLUTION: Title: Calling for the designation of Antifa as a domestic terrorist organization.
  10. Sanders Campaign Battles With Staff Demanding $15 Hourly Pay - Which Candidate Says Should Be Federal Minimum
  11. That thread is enlightening, horrifying, and humorous all at the same time. She also answers a bunch more questions within the comments. This exchange was my favorite:
  12. IRGC boarded it for "environmental inspections" then released it. Sounds like that may now be a recurring theme.
  13. The 2nd tanker that was seized has been released. Posting this one for the last tweet in the string.
  14. And now #3 and #4 possibly in the works, as well.
  15. Early word that a second Brit tanker *may* also have been seized today.
  16. Iran seizes another British tanker.
  17. IMO after they shifted to using fresh meat for the 1/4 patties (not sure if this is being done in all markets), the burgers got remarkably better.
  18. I've heard some interviews over the radio recently (Bay Area of CA), where calculators are now commonly being found in the possession of people who shoplift, so they can tally up their ill gotten goods and make sure they are under the $950 limit. And they all have smart phones, with a built in calculator app, but apparently are too stupid to know how to use that. So, buy stock in Texas Instruments.
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