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Everything posted by Hedge

  1. The longer this gets dragged out, the closer we get to it becoming a shooting war.
  2. Those videos are superb. I can't wait until the 2020 editions!
  3. Follow up on this: it apparently wasn't a custom painting commissioned by Epstein (or was it?). Artist says it was 'complete surprise' her Clinton dress painting ended up in Epstein home Check out a larger size of the Clinton painting here: And note he has 6 fingers on the hand that is pointing and jacked up fingernails on the other hand. Remember that Obama picture where one of his hands had 6 fingers? This was apparently her Bush painting (which rumor has it, was also found on an Epstein property, and some people claim to see 6 fingers as well...I don't think I see it, however): I haven't hit on a satisfactory answer to what the 6 finger symbolism may represent. Anyone know?
  4. This is the tail end of a racist rant, which is ok to be on Twitter, since it only goes after whites.
  5. From the link: That's just a good business move right there. Kind of like having a wet bar available at the entrance to an AA meeting. Enable then provide support.
  6. Posting for the 2nd tweet/article link. A take from a former BOP worker: (Without researching it, the part about the Prison Rape Elimination Act being the reason for not allowing to film inside a cell was a head scratcher.)
  7. "Oh, it's called animal husbandry? Conflicted! We do support a transgender mans rights to marry any animal, of any age, of their choosing."
  8. And the point: I am paywalled, so not sure of the contents of the WaPo article, but here is another: What We Know About Jeffrey Epstein’s Autopsy
  9. Tibs nevers lets being wildly incorrect stop him from posting.
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