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Everything posted by Hedge

  1. From the Comey report conclusions (page 60-61): I think it's interesting (and important) that “if I love this country...and I love the Department of Justice, and I love the FBI.” was inserted into the report. I think this was an opportunity to also get ahead of the incoming arguments that it wasn't a coup attempt, because the bad actors saw their purpose as noble.
  2. This is all I will quote to the benefit of others who have chosen not to see your drivel.
  3. I believe that I had read somewhere (can't remember the source) that the declination of prosecution for Comey, so far, was more in a state of purgatory than a full dead stop. Does anyone know if this is true or not? I am wondering if after the FISA report is issued, perhaps recommended charges from the previously released reports, which had been declined, may perhaps get added to the list.
  4. A nice reminder Thread. It would probably have been a bit different (but maybe not much) had Russian air power been involved...but it wasn't.
  5. Well, she still has her brand.
  6. You don't say...
  7. I would love to see the Trump campaign hold a contest like this. The loser would get the same thing that Warren’s winner gets.
  8. I agree. But, to put it in perspective, if you were a Bill's fan and waited for almost a generation for them to get back to the playoffs, this is nothing. If I can wait that long for entertainment, I can surely wait a few months for burning down the institutionalized corruption.
  9. What do you think the intended outcome of this was? Newborn Baby Found Alive in Dumpster After Allegedly Being Abandoned by Teen Mom You can find these types of stories every month, except most of them end with a dead newborn. And these are the only the ones that make the news, because they were not done in the presence of a "health" worker. I believe these were posted earlier in the thread (although i think this a longer, and even more ridiculous, Kathy Tran video):
  10. Maria Butina and I, Part Deux: Romancing Maria
  11. D o w n w a r d d o g ?
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