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Everything posted by Hedge

  1. At least according to Wikipedia: So, by my calculations: ✔️ Double plus bonus points for 2 Deep State ties from the same family ➕ ⚱️ Papa Bush ➕ Unsealed the first batch of documents ➕ ? Possibly believes =
  2. How do I know if I have entered a parallel universe?
  3. If it was good enough for Davy Crockett, it's good enough for us: "Please hold, sir. I am of the understanding that you have entered my residence illegally in the dead of night. I must now find my powder horn and you will dealt with justly. Sir, I asked you to please hold! Sir!"
  4. This clip was within the article. Just posting it out here, for those who skip the article, because it's worth the reminder of what was said:
  5. Followed 2 hours later by: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6. Careful. Them's fighting words. (Does this remind anyone else of an episode of Orangutan Island?)
  7. Brilliant! This is a true master at work. Now the Leftists heads have been seeded that Barr, because he is corrupt and so obviously not reasonable, *should* have charged Comey.
  8. Moral of the story: Never solicit a prostitute who is from San Francisco.
  9. Cue the meat and potatoes jokes.
  10. And I will be disappointed if DC Tom doesn't chime in about the "super-secret" classification. I'm excited to hear about this, but not nearly as excited as if it was the "super-duper-secret" level.
  11. Since there isn't a "Trump's Assistants Team" thread:
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