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Everything posted by Hedge

  1. It is my supreme hope that the fresh investigation can get to the bottom of this grievance. I think they have got him this time!
  2. Wow, that's actually a thing. Releases on Oct 1st! You can get a sneak peak with the "Look inside" feature: https://www.amazon.com/ABCs-AOC-Alexandria-Ocasio-Cortez/dp/031649514X
  3. The way this was sourced leaves room for skepticism of the story, but he does have a history. And when you get called out by James Gunn...
  4. From Epstein, to church organizations, to Boy Scouts, to the CPS system, to Olympic/college athletic doctors, to Hollywood moguls/agents/institutions, to name a few, there are so many instances of sexual predation by those with power that have already been exposed, I think it's time to dedicate a thread to the dark underbelly of what is occurring. More allegations against Hollywood. Thread.
  5. I'm not sure how the Leftists tell their candidates apart anymore. I thought Swalwell had dropped out?
  6. No matter what it is, I'm looking forward to the segue from the original question he was asked.
  7. San Fran has a place, called Creator, which goes even further and does the full assembly line. It gets pretty good reviews.
  8. That's a brain, Gary. It typically resides inside a skull and is used for cognizant thought. I realize you don't have a basis for comparison, so you being shocked/confused by it is understandable. It's ok. I try not to judge you(s).
  9. But the “Abduction Seduction” package, which is out of this world, includes a breakfast buffet.
  10. No, she explains that if you try that the cis-male patriarchy will rape you for mis-gendering them.
  11. I recently had a similar issue pop up on my computer at home, using Firefox. I haven't yet figured out the cause, but when using other browsers, I don't have the issue.
  12. Hey guys, President Trump is going for absolute and total worldwide chaos and an extreme world wars, where the victors get to eat the vanquished, which is why he wanted Bolton gone: This is not the right thread for it, but I also learned that I am not a bad feminist for using the word "guys", but I do need to have my mind reprogrammed. My apologies for weaponizing language.
  13. My take is that Bolton's departure is a possible signal of more stability to come in the region. It's the instability of the region that leads to oil price explosion fears. The more stable, the less variable the supply (not accounting for OPEC decisions).
  14. So, pair this with San Franshitsco declaring the NRA to be a terrorist organization. There are now a whole bunch of terrorists with guns who can be considered a danger.
  15. The whole thing got cancelled yesterday. http://www.rachel-nevada.com/ Edit: But merchandise is still available. I expect there to be an upcoming sale soon. At least the leftovers can be sent to the needy in Africa, as the Bills Super Bowl Championship gear has probably run out by now.
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