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Everything posted by cale

  1. Per WGRZ http://www.wgrz.com/sports/story.aspx?stor...;provider=gnews C
  2. I know in the end it's a firing. But it sure sounds like Nix wanted to give the staff a fair shake and let them walk away and be masters of their own destiny, as opposed to having them wait on pins and needles on a decision they had no control over. Just my 2 cents.
  3. Whomever this Coach Sal is, he sure has some interesting sources. I'd never heard of him until this past week.
  4. I wouldn't be upset with Rivera or Billick. Some guts on the sidelines would be a welcome change. A little bit of swagger wouldn't be too bad either. I just don't want BS (Brian Schottenheimer) here. He's not ready. Another year or 3 maybe of seasoning. I like the idea of us looking to bet a HC with experience first. But Rivera though wouldn't be a bad hire IMO, if he we can't get Cowher or Billick. C
  5. Of course, they could get "lucky" - you know you need that more than a good cogent plan. Ralph said so. C
  6. Look what you said is true. But even you have to admit that the owner went outside to look for Polian and Levywhen the organization became dysfunctiona. The reason given by the owner now is that "they didn't know the other guys on the list." What kind of reason is that? I like the Nix hire. But I'd be a lot more comfortable with it if they looked thoroughly inside and *outside* the organization. They then would have had at least ideas and pitches from guys from successful organizations. As it is, the only other interview was Guy. Modrak has never wanted the job. Guy has f-d up royally in the pro personnel dept. This organization *gave* him an interview. What does that say about the search process? I'm sorry but the Bills have done nothing in the past 10 years or so for me to give them the benefit of the doubt. I'm gonna wait and see what the results on the ground are before deciding if this move is genius or just one more OBD cluster$@. C
  7. Why in the world Kyle S? There are about 5 coaches before that I would consider. Also I don't understand why Fassel is so despised. Can someone explain how he s&*t the bed so badly? Thx Charles
  8. First let me say that I think the Nix hire could very well be the best move the franchise has made in the last 10 years. It also has the potential to completely implode like a black hole. When an organization/institution has had a lack of success in 10 years, you can bet that there needs to be a see change in the culture of the organization. The fact that Nix is now GM indicates to me that Ralph and Brandon are comfortable with the way things are at OBD. That doesn't bode well for the long term health of the organization. Sure Nix was from San Diego - but he has even deeper roots in Buffalo. That isn't necessarily a bad thing, but I think there is a better chance of Nix slowly getting comfortable with the way "things are done" at OBD. And the fact that he isn't final say guy (Brandon is) doesn't look promising. The telling part at the press conference yesterday was that the top two guys in the organization either: a) compiled a list of FO guys that haven't accomplished anything. Hence they didn't know their accomplishments. or b) are not familiar with their roles in successful organizations. If David Gettleman and DaCosta were not on their list, I don't see how that was a valid list. Plus those guys used to work at OBD. So how can they possibly not know about them even after a couple of phone calls. To me this signals how out of touch this franchise has become. It starts from the top and *&^% flows down. I have great respect for Wilson and Nix (and I like Nix as GM) - but this organization needs an overhaul. An overhaul that can't possibly be provided by one guy. Cause the present power structure is essentially still in place. A new era should include someone who knows how the new NFL works. I don't see this as the beginning of a new dawn. More of the delaying/extending of a long awaited sunset. I don't see things changing until ownership changes. Wilson still likes his toy and will take it and go home if it doesn't suit him. C
  9. Yeah, my original post was not so much who I'd like to see here as much as whom I think will end up here. Like it or not, the Nix hire was one for the (Good) Ol' Boys network. Ralph is as old school as it comes. The coach I mentioned would be part of that cabal. One thing is pretty clear from the Nix hire (and I think I kinda like him) the Bills have no interest in changing the culture at OBD. C
  10. My guess is based on Nix's personality, history and what I think has been the focus of the Bills organization. 1) Bill Cowher (probably less than 50% chance of getting him). 2) Jim Harbaugh 3) Russ Grimm 4) Mike Heimerdinger 5) Ron Rivera 6) Dom Capers 7) Leslie Frazier 8) Mike Zimmer 9) Jim Fassel 10) John Fox (if he is fired/resigns)
  11. Well this obviously didn't happen. I think Mr. Wilson's quote about neither him "or Russ knew the other candidates" was very revealing. I don't necessarily dislike the Nix hire. I'm just not sure it was the exhaustive process it should have been. C
  12. Well, that's the exact point isn't it? If we let the same guy calling the shots (ie, Wilson) call the shots when our pick comes around, then we'll be exactly where we started. If we let the talent evaluators have the final say, we'll be fine. This run an org by committee thing has to end. Nix has to nix all that. He has to say, "We can all have our opinions, but me and coach are deciding."
  13. Buddy Nix Y'all...He's gonna kick some ass...
  14. Per my twitter exchange with Adam Schefter: RT @musiccharles: @Adam_Schefter Did the Bills talk to anyone outside the building? ... They had external candidate list - and went Nix. *the rest were follow ups from others * RT @glazeduck: @Adam_Schefter what are your thoughts on Nix Shef? Good hire? ... He knows personnel, that's for sure. 18 minutes ago RT @medale87: @Adam_Schefter Who was the Bills Rooney Rule canidate? .. They interviewed John Guy as well. ** I like the Nix hire. Wish they had gone Gettleman from Giants, but I'm fine with this. He now has to show he his his own man. Hire the right coach and be "the man." C
  15. Love KW. Good for him. C
  16. That seems like a cogent strategy. I'd be happy if this is what they're truly doing. Somehow I think you give our FO way too much credit. I for one, doubt very much that the above is what Brandon et. al. have been doing. I pray you are right. C
  17. Of course, if a guy is on another team under contract, you have to ask permission. But it doesn't preclude you from asking to talk to them. What team would stand in the way of one of their guys getting a better opportunity? You'd have to ask permission to talk to them even *after* the season. So why wait? Why not get a head start? Sure, they could say "No" but that doesn't mean you don't try and just sit on your hands. C
  18. I don't know...It seems to me this search process has been a microcosm of the organization's incompetence this last decade. If you fire your HC part way thru the season, than it makes sense that you have a strategy in place. Either go after a HC or a GM that is accessible. Sure, some guys might not want to talk till after the season is over. But not all guys are like that. And it's a safe bet that there are more guys in the FO ranks than those that are currently GMs. The pro or college personnel guys ala Da Costa, Gettleman or Gabriel. Teams can talk to those type of guys without violating any rules. But you constantly have a task/action items list. You talk to the FO guys *now* so that they know you are interested. They get to know you. That way the ball is in play. Your interim coach *already* knows he is just one of the many variables in consideration. You then have a head start at the gun at the end of the regular season. Instead of the mad scramble when everyone is able to look. I just worry that the 6 week "head start" is all for nought when the rubber meets the road. Maybe they'll surprise me and make a ground breaking announcement at the end of the season, but somehow I doubt it. C
  19. Cowher is showing some class by not talking to *anybody* right now. Be it Tampa Bay or anybody else. So we just need to wait until the regular season is over. And then give him the hard sell.
  20. Ron Wolf wants back in with "the right organization" as mentioned by Adam Schefter and already quoted in another thread.
  21. As mentioned in this thread: http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?showtopic=102622 Wolf is looking to get back in. I'd take a long look at him. My only concern is his age and how much "in touch" with the NFL he still is. Maybe as team president and hire someone like a David Gettleman as GM. C
  22. David Gettleman, Director of Pro Personnel, New York Giants. Has a history with the Buffalo Bills. Worked for Bill Polian.
  23. I actually think it might be Jeff Littman. Notice he's very quiet until there's something of real substance from the organization. Either way, I agree. The tail is wagging the dog...
  24. Ron Wolf gets it: http://www.cleveland.com/browns/index.ssf/...e_right_ma.html "...In Green Bay, Wolf had complete autonomy and reported to nobody but the club president, who acted as the owner in the unique structure of the community-owned Packers. Holmgren said the attraction in Cleveland is that he will have "no layers" between himself and the owner. "You can't imagine [what a benefit that is]," Wolf said. "In this job, every day there's a situation that comes up that you have to respond to before you lose the moment. You don't want to have to make phone calls or pull out the BlackBerry. "You may have five minutes to make a decision on a trade or a signing. Sometimes that's all you've got. And if you make a bad decision, there's only one person to blame -- yourself." Someone needs to be "The Man." Unfortunately, Ralph can't be it. So again Ralph, time to hand over the reigns to a guys who knows what he's doing..." C
  25. According to Adam Schefter, Wolf wants back in: http://twitter.com/adam_schefter "In the right situation, with the right organization, former Packers GM Ron Wolf would be interested in returning to the NFL." I'd hire him as team president with final say, then hire a Gettleman or Da Costa to run the day to day football operations. Charles
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