The point is 28% of the time only one team touches the ball. That might be OK in the regular season, but in the playoffs 60 minutes of football shouldn't be wiped out by a coin flip in 29% of the games. I had an idea earlier in the season that I had forgotten about till last night, which I think would keep the excitement of sudden death. While at the same time eliminating the disappointment of an opening drive game winning field goal. The issue I have, which I think many share, is that so often kickers decide the game before both QBs get to touch the ball.
My simple idea is that in OT a team has to win by 4 points in order to win the game. That would mean that each quarterback would get to touch the ball once, unless an opening drive touchdown is scored in the OT period. I have no problem with sudden death OT ending in a touchdown, I just don't apply the same value to a FG as TD. In regulation a TD is worth 6 (plus PAT) and a FG is worth 3. Why is it in OT they are both essentially equal to 1? So, by setting the game winning threshold to 4 the first team to score a TD worth of points (6) will win the game. If a team scores a FG, then a TD plus an extra point will be required for the opponent to win the game. If two field goals by one team occur prior to any score by the opponent, the winning team clearly showed football superiority in the OT period.
edit: I would also like to eliminate the coin flip and always give the ball to the away team to start the OT period.