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Everything posted by catchescannonballs

  1. The liberal anti-american mainstream press is in a dizzy over comments from our VP that contridict the lies we hear from CBS, ABC, MSNBC etc. Cheney is right. In comparsion to other wars of similar size and duration, the # of casualties is remarkably low and the "jihadists" and terrorist militias are a long way from achieving anything close to a victory. The Democrats and the mainstream Press who had declared defeat in Iraq almost as soon as the operation began have worked themselves into such a Defeatist frenzy the past few years that they are incapable of seeing the successes or the slow march to victory that we and the new Iraqi government are achieving. Every day the new Iraq government stays in power, it gets stronger. Every day, the terrorists fail to ignite an all out civil war, they lose more ground. The anti-war, anti Bush Left seems to think that the # of casualties is proof that we are losing or have lost. That is simply not true. It is proof only that we are fighting in support of the free and democratic Iraq against the forces of tyranny. Anbd ourt enemies are fighting just as hard. They know how important it is for them to keep democracy out of Iraq. How important it is for them to make Iraq a trerrorist stronghold free to plot, plan and dfevelop weapons to be used against the west. Too bad the democrats are to stupid to understand that Iraq is the frontline in the "war on terror" Strangely enough, the dems and most of the people here on retort support the terrorist forces of tyranny and would like to see them win in Iraq. I wonder how the defeaticrats here would have commented on the Civil War, WW1 or WW2 when the fighting was at its most intense. I imagine, if they were true to form, most would have called for "cutting and running' the moment the fighting began.
  2. Sure, until the Sabres have a few loses then you will say 'F this team, too, I'm a Toronto fan'
  3. But you did compare him to Bruce. That's very unfair. He doesn't disappear, that's simply not true. No one plays with more heart and determination than Schobel. He's a great player. Maybe not Bruce Smith great but a knotch below. Name me three Defensive Ends who are better
  4. Maybe someone forgot to tell you the Bills played on the road? And don't forget they were in the game till the very last.
  5. Best player in football? ROTFLMAO!!! Give jp the line Brady has and see what he does
  6. Oh, compare him to the greatest defensive tackle of all time! Sure he isn't Bruce Smith, but who is? Get a grip
  7. I think we are probably catching them at a good time. The team should be ready to come out and win this one. I'm sick of that overrated Brady getting all this press. I bet Schobel knocks that smile off his face. I predict a Bills win and Schobel has two sacks and many pressures. A good performance by Schobel will help in the pro-bowl voting because Brady is always on tv and they will see our best defense player in action
  8. Simply more proof that President Bush's fiscal stewardship is paying giant dividands for America. The tax cuts worked. He will probably be remembered as one of the best presidents in American history. He reminds me of Teddy Roosevelt
  9. What's wrong with actually working for a living?
  10. Well they were in it till the end so I guess they got a sniff alright. Looks like you sniff somthing, too
  11. Yes I see, snow fell in Buffalo so they should have won. If they looked lifeless and bland how come they scored against Detroit? How come Detroit didn't score every time they had the ball? And do you really think that because Detroit didn't have a win they were never going to win one? Here's a hint buddy. When Detriot has moved on and won a few more games you will see their record coming in to the last game didn't matter. I'm still laughing about the snow thing
  12. I love it!!! Rush Limbaugh kills liberals. He really should be President. I think Rush is the smartest man in America. Obviously Americans love to sit and listen to him. No one wants to listen to liberals. That's why they are out of power.
  13. ha ha ha, they are building and it takes time
  14. A few more seconds on the clock and they might have won. I was especially impressed with Schobel Sunday. He should be considered for the pro bowl
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