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Everything posted by catchescannonballs

  1. 1 Aaron Schobel again showed why he is a great player. He put pressure on Favre all day and was a force in run support. We are luckey to have him. I hope he goes to the pro bowl. 2 Spikes should be cut, he is worse than useless 3 Anthony Thomas deserves to get more carries. If McGahee wants to leave after the season Thomas could take his place 4 Losman is an abject failure. Time to move on. 5 I was not impressed with the shakeup of the offensive line. Its perhaps time to think of using some defensive lineman on the offensive line. 6 Their needs to be a reorganization of the kick off team blocking. We have a great talent returning kicks but he gets no blocking. That must change soon
  2. Wake up, the national media is a liberal institution through and through
  3. give me a break, exposing this sick individual on NATION TELEVISION isn't gay bashing? You liberals are pretty pathetc
  4. And I'm sure this has NOTHING to do with the election coming up? The liberal media loves showing gays on TV shows and movies doing there faggy thing and yet they turn around and make a political issue by bashing gays now. Can you say hypocrite. Its really a scream to see the liberals bashing gays when they are suppose to be the gay party, and they are the gay party AND they bash gays. Then need gays to be kept down so they get there votes just like blacks need to be kept poor
  5. Zogby is an arab, nuff said
  6. Oh and Soros the atheisy and the Hollywood elite don't give millions and millions and millions to the Demorats? The Republicans will win because America hates fags and we don't want to be killed by terrorist or cut and run from our war against terrorism in Iraq. These polls from the liberal media mean nothing
  7. Kerry is no stranger to lies about our soldiers. He lied when he said our trooops killed civilians in Vietnbam and tortured people there. Our soldiers are extermely professional and all those lies Kerry told change that not at all. The whole antiwar crowd cost us victory in Nam. We had it won but the media lied aboiut the truth. Now the Vietnmese government kills and tortures everyday fore the thrill of it. People like Kerry are sickining. The thought that he might have become president terrifies me. Amerioca would have been in deep, deep trouble had he won. Terrorist attacks would probably have shut down the airline induistry and americvan city or two would be gone and Iraq would have been abandoned to terrorists. Thank god real Americans--PATRIOTS!---Won in 2004
  8. Ask schoop and the Bulldog, they interviewed him at the superbowl. All the stars of the sports world were around and they asked him who was the most impressive person he had seen their. His answer. He said it was the guy who he saw in the mirror when he woke up. Jerk
  9. Well hurrah for the Liberals. They continue their attack on our culture, our sacred institutions and on the very foundations of our Christian society. Gays can now marry in New Jersey. What's next? Marrying pets? Group marriage? Sex with little boys? Liberals are such pigs. Of course its very nice of them to show there true colors before the election. Mark my words Liberals, you just lost the election. Poor little things, America seemed ready to accept your cowardly 'agenda'. Too bad you 'blew' it. You guys like blowing things, huh?
  10. I guess we can hope that he doesn't get blocked on every play like on that one
  11. Sam Cowart was never the same, ever
  12. My farts smell better than yours, so what?
  13. Oh sure, Saddam was just a wonderful guy. Problem with you people is you want to blame our soldiers for everything. You blame Bush and Rumsfeld, but we know who you really hate. Just like in Nam. My dad was spit on, had blood thrown on him just for fighting for his country
  14. Ya Dildo and you'd be leading it, you and anyone else who thinks spikes is worth 9 million
  15. Sure, what's a few more years gobbling up 9 million a year for a slow linebacker? On top of that, the guy is a jerk
  16. Pah-leeeesee How many plays did he make sunday? He has lost a step and its obvious
  17. Hockey is a sissy canadian sport. I don't watch any sport where they boo the sacred America national anatham. I spit on Canada
  18. He can't get to plays anymore
  19. Get back to me when the death toll equals the tens of millions systematically killed by Saddam over the decades. Things may not have gone exactly as planned in Iraq but things are a hell of a lot better now than under the murderous Saddam.
  20. Isn't this guy great?? He was attacking Brady from start to finish. Without him the score would probably have been 42-0. If he isn't selected for the pro-bowl then something is wrong
  21. Who cares, he's a good American. There are a few good Democrats, like Lieberman around you know
  22. The top US general defended the leadership of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, saying it is inspired by God. "He leads in a way that the good Lord tells him is best for our country," said Marine General Peter Pace, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Rumsfeld is "a man whose patriotism focus, energy, drive, is exceeded by no one else I know ... quite simply, he works harder than anybody else in our building," Pace said at a ceremony at the Southern Command (Southcom) in Miami. And look at the picture of these two patriots together, I'm putting it on my file cabinet to look at every morning. Isn't it refreshing to see a military leader admit that God has a place in our decision making? http://uk.news.yahoo.com/20102006/323/phot...d-rumsfeld.html
  23. I love you opinionism, its so refreshing after reading all these cry babies on this board. Of course we can win this week and that will shut up the bills bashers for oh about ten minutes until they wonder why we didn't win by more
  24. Don't let the door hit you in the azz buddy. You don't like our team go live in Canada you loser. Fair whether fans are like leeches, slimmy, blood sucking parasites.
  25. Simply more proof that the war on terror is knocking at our front door. For those stupid idiots who think we can just leave Iraq to the terrorists to plan there next attack over here this should be a wake up call. Bush is right that Iraq is the front line on the war on terror and we have to stay till victory is won. It figures the media is barley giving this story any notice. They want us to lose ion Iraq. Pretty dam pathetic it is
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