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Everything posted by catchescannonballs

  1. To finish the mission of course
  2. I defended them because ANYTHING is better than liberals running the government. They are going to stab our soldiers in the back in iraq and all those young w=men will have died for nothing. You lie about the politicians I support. You know as well as I do that politicians are changed by Washingtons corrupt culture. They started stealing tax money for lib programs and then just kept stuffing their pockets to boot.
  3. What the liberals of the party did was run conservative candidates so that the EXTREMELY liberal leadership could grab a hold of power in the country. Its a shrewed move by the liberals to appear moderate while ruling from the far left. And why were the Liberals able to carry out this coup dee taugh? Its because the REPUBLICANS, note I did not say the Conservatives, ran away from there true Conservative principals. The public didn't want No Child Left Behind. The public didn't want a prescription drug plan that cost millions. No, this was the Republicans trying to look nice and friendly, trying to to cute and cuddly. Well it cost them the base which supports the party, thats what that did. Time to return to Conservative principals!! Hopefully these two years will go by like a leaf on a fast stream. I'm actually glad the Republicans lost, now I don't have to defend there fake Conservatism. Let them return to the path that won them the elctions of 1994, 2000 and 2004. See you in 08 libs!
  4. Go read a history book. I guess 9-11 was our fault, or us who drives big trucks. No wonder you losers don't win elections but every 12 years or so
  5. I'm no fan of them either but it is a fact that this is a christian nation founded on christian values and they are simply standing up to the liberal agenda
  6. Bush friggin backs down again to stupid libs. Pathetic. what happened to the guy who led us so bravely into Iraq?
  7. Going to the moon was part of the cold war, making alternative energy is just plain stupid. That's something for the distant future. It will come when it comes. Did Yhomas Edison need government money? No. This commie libs want hundreds of billions of dollars of our money to fart around with. No way.
  8. Marx would have been proud of you. Great idea, maybe we can shoot SUV drivers! Yup, you dummycraps sure have a plan. Sounds like a revolution.
  9. Do you drive? Some of us drive to work, Dim! Of course the government helps find oil, we need oil to live the way we do. I suppose you want that to stop? Libbers just don't make any sense and now they want to run the country
  10. Its a waste of my tax payers dollars. Let the oil companies drill more oil or develop it privately. Its not the governments job to give away my money for scientific which hunts that lead no where
  11. Raise minimum wage to create inflation, give my tax money away to leachy scientists who say they will do the impossible and create an alternative for oil, let children have abortions, give illegals social security, cut and run from Iraq and raise taxes. Great 'plan!'
  12. Bingo! They had all three branches of government and ruled like cowards. They should have massively cut spending on all the welfare, social security, medicare, pork spending. Cut the lazy people off! Bush should have deported the mexicans, used real force in iraq and REALLY pushed for constitutional amendments banning abortion, queer marriage and flag burning. America would have awarded the Republicans a super majority had he stuck to CONSERVATIVE principals.
  13. I hope so for America's sake. Nancy Pelosi and here San Francisco values are dangerous to America. I f the Dims get there commie hands on the government it will take a jackhammer to get their incumbent asses out of power. Sad, too sad to think about at this point
  14. I guess we have a fella who can't see a joke when one hits him right over the head
  15. And no one has voted yet!! ROTFLMAO!!!
  16. No way should we draft a quarterback. Draft defense or offensive line. I'd take a veteran quarterback in free agency or something. Build the lines first and then worry about a qb
  17. My guess is that Thomas is our number one back from now on. McGahee wll be a footnote in history very soon. He will look cute in a Miami uniform next year
  18. You don't have enough faith in our troops to traion, support and equip the Iraqis to take care of there oun country. It may take 10-15 years but we will get the job done given the support is there to achieve it. This can't be another vietnam where the Democrats gave up on freedom and liberty
  19. IMO there is a war going on and many people want us to lose, that makes me very angry and it should make all good Americans angry
  20. Spikes was right there and simpson ran right past him and kept going. Spikes can't run anymore. Spikes is done. Mark my words, he will be gone at end of the season. He is doing nothing now, nothing!!!
  21. i never sais bench mcgahee, i just think thomas should get the ball more
  22. Spikes is washed up, that's pretty obvious to someone who knows football. Did you see him on the int return. He couldn't even keep up at all with the play. How many plays did he make? I'm a no nonsense guy and tell it like it is. Losman stinks. His td pass was a floater and never would have been completed had not Evens been totally wide open by 30 yards. Cut our loses and move on
  23. I'm so sick of you military hating liberals. You disgust me. I spit on you!
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