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Everything posted by 95altima12

  1. 11/5 - Green Bay W 11/12 - @ Indianapolis L 11/19 - @ Houston W 11/26 - Jacksonville L 12/3 - San Diego L 12/10 - @ New York JetsW 12/17 - Miami W 12/24 - Tennessee W 12/31 - @ Baltimore L Figuring in the way they are playing ya they are losing but they really are playing OK for a young team. NE is a good team i really wanted them to win. After that late shot on Brady i knew they are too young, they make too many stupid inexperienced mistakes. They are young and need to grow. GB is 2-4 i think if we play smart we will beat them we are a better team then they are. INDY will beat us unless we are really on a role. HOU same as Gb it I think we are better then them and can beat them after regrouping and fixing dumb mistake now that the pressure is off the team JAC i think we can beat them but prob wont SD same as JAC NY It will be hard in NY but i do think they will pull it off after playing a lot of games and getting a groove with this young team. MIA we beat them once and being in Buf should make it even easier but nothing is for sure with the Bills. TEN i know the lions loss makes me wonder but i think they will have no prob winning. BAL Prob will lose this game a great D but maybe are D can make it close for a chance to win 7-9 not a playoff season but a good season for a very YOUNG team I think with a lot more experiance this team will be a huge sucess but it will TAKE TIME!
  2. I am sorry I just read all the posts and comments about how they are going to get their ass beat, i guess i got a little emotional.
  3. I know that i will get flamed after this post but i think the bills will win this game. I know everyone here thinks the bills will lose but the two point difference in their last game plus being in buffalo and other reasons make me think they will win. Anyways i .could go on about why i think they will win but there is no purpose. Just a gut feeling, we will see tomorrow.
  4. Why are we talking about the sabres, i mean this is a bills message board i am a sabres fan but what the !@#$ does it have to do with football or the bills? When i see a football game i am cheering for the bills and when i see a hockey game i cheer for the sabres. I am not from buffalo but i have roots from buffalo and i really hate the atl falcons and i don't know enough about the thrashers to like them and i know a little about the sabres so i root for them. I really don't see how a bills fan turning into a sabres fan needs to be on this board, if you don't care about the bills, than just don't post on here anymore.
  5. I was looking threw you past posts. You are just going with the flow, when the bills have a good game next week maybe even win you will be posting positive things about the bills. This is really the first real rebuilding season for the bills, compare the starters age and experience from last year to this year. I am sorry man but it will take i little while with this completely new team is you don't want to stand next to them. Well ya go to the sabres message board. I leave you with your own quote. "Tone is set in this game. Minnesota has it. We dont"
  6. Remember last week when we won and still only got talked about JP only throwing for 75 yards witch wasn't even accurate and that we can't win with JP. Well ESPN reporters (i believe they were ESPN) got what they wanted 320+ yards TD pass TD run. But the only stat that matters is jets 28 bills 20. I say go back to being Conservative and winning games. I don't care what JP stats are he was a lot better QB last week vs this week hence the win. We know he can pass down field but we also know that he will make a few mistakes I learned that last year. This is a young team they need to learn and play smart not try and be a hero. I was very disappointed in a lot of the play calls in this game like the second and three and we call to pass and than pass again on third. The second and six pass call was dumb also. Plus it hurts our D when they are going back in after just a few plays. Anyways just blowing off some steam feel free to comment. Thanks
  7. Thanks man, I def will representing BUFFALO in the ATL, lol I hate the Falcons. I think I can talk for the both of us when i say, "Go BILLS"
  8. Thanks for the welcome. I have been coming to this board for three years. I am a dieheart Bills fan from ATL, Ga. My parents grew up in BUF and my dad and I would allways watch them play. As a young kid i watched the Bills lose 4 SB in a row. The last SB they lost our TV went out just as they lost, it has allways been a joke in our family that it couldn't take anymore. My dad kind of gave up on them but I realy tried to keep up with the Bills as much as posable without living in Buf. I have never posted on this board because of people like you. We are all on the same team. I am not good with grammer as you can see but i am realy happy for the Bills win today and wish they would get the credit they desirve, please only post back a post concerning the Bills. GO BILLS!!!! PS. I am in school so maybe the grammer and spelling will get better for you.
  9. "can the bills expect to win with jp losman at qb? i mean, seriously, he didn't even have 75 yards passing today" First off they did win and they were darn close to beating NE last week. NFL.com is reporting Losman had 83 yards get your numbers right. And yes like mentioned earlyer the pass to Evens was great without the penlety add on 50 pkus yards and a TD for Loasmen Culpepper threw the ball 32 times losman threw is 18 IF you dont need to throw the ball to win we do it. This reporter knows nothing about the bills probly because they havn't been contenders for awhile and are not in the media very often. The bills want to be a SB winning team two or three years from now. Are rookies are playing like pro bowlers now! In two or three years this report by this reporter will be alot different, who knows maybe even sooner!
  10. I wonder if the bills players know or care about the BS that miami fans are saying. Or there X coach?
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