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Everything posted by 95altima12

  1. Just thought I would post this, it might make some people feel better. This is the teams wins is losses so far for the rest of out season. Keep in mind the last game is IND who prob will have clinch the div by then, plus its in Buffalo. 0-3 0-3 3-0 Jets 0-2 1-2 0-3 1-2 0-3 3-0 Jets 0-3 2-1NE in Buffalo 2-1 3-0
  2. Or we don't have an O
  3. Welcome to Buffalo TO!
  4. I hate the Falcons I hope you kill them and we do too!!!! Yes I am from Atlanta and they have some of the worst fans! Don't expect to be able to run the ball up the middle might be able to get outside. I heard Bell is hurt that might help us. We might be able to work on getting to Brees more then the run stop if we shut the run game down early. Just some thoughts. I as well welcome you to the board. Good to hear some people still like talking about football and not just BS on. Also how do you think we fare against the Falcons? I know its late in the year and that will prob have a huge affect on the game. Sorry if that was already asked.
  5. YOU ARE A DONTE WHITNER HATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. OOO ok I got ya I read it wrong. I got Lynch in the third I drafted Bush way late like 11th. I drafted Coles way too early like forth I guess I was still thinking he was with teh jets and not many other recievers I dnk.
  7. I can't believe Moss and White fell that far. I also have Ruggie Bush and Mendenhall but thought about dropping them but you drafted Bush third? why so high? Thanks!
  8. I know man it sucks, that's why i really want to get Barber for Rivers or Ryan. I realised too late that I didn't have 2 good backs and then started picking them like crazy until I saw I had 4 RB in a row all average guys lol.
  9. I was going to pick Brees because I got him in the second round last year and did great but he got picked up early I drafted 10 of 12. Rivers was my number one pick. I almost got Grant like in the third but he went right before my pick and it all went down from there. Like I said I am the commish so i was doing everything and putting in the picks and calling them out when people forgot it was just a mess but it's all good I should have been more prepared.
  10. Thanks for the info and no I don't take offense to the post above I was looking for your opinion so I can't really take offense haha. QB Rivers/M. Ryan/D Garrard (I am in the mist of a Trade of Ryan) - I like this qb setup actually..not sure why you'd want to trade Ryan, unless something happened to him I didn't hear about.[/b] It is not that I don't like Ryan or Rivers but like you mentioned I need more depth in other places that is why I was trying to pick up Barber or someone else. Thank you for the help!
  11. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?showtopic=93980 these people might help
  12. I drafted with 12 teams and live draft with friends I know. I was putting in all the picks and keeping track of everything so I didn't have as much time to look over my players while other drafted. QB Rivers/M. Ryan/D Garrard (I am in the mist of a Trade of Ryan) RB Lynch/J.Jones/L.McMClain/Rhondes (first three games I was going to get Jackson but my g/f drafted him in the third round don't ask)/L. Washington WR V.Jackson/D.Bowe/L.Coles/D.Hixon TE J.Whitten DFence Chi I offered a trade of M Ryan for M Barrer but he wants to wait a few games to see how Cutler plays as his QB but I need good RB to go with Lynch plus Lynch is out the first three games. I live in Atl so many teams want him but many have good QBs already. O I also have Willis at RB I know I know!
  13. I would be interested for the IND game i think its the last game. My girl and I are coming up from Atl for the game. What is cost for you? Sorry i never had ST being I don't live there anymore. Thanks
  14. Does anyone else agree he looks like a tard in that hat? Also reminds me even more of the coach from The Waterboy.
  15. Worked great for me. Thanks!
  16. anyone know what time?
  17. I ment the were good at blitzing when Shobel was healthy and CK didn't play like crap a year or two ago.
  18. Thats just what I was looking for thanks! Do you know anything more about there O line? Is it the exact same line as last year? I know the Bills are (were) a good blitzing team. With Maybin I hope we can get to Ryan some. My friend said something about them working on a no huddle offence (my responce was is JK working with them? but then again I don't know how much Kelly is really working with TE) but that was after I said that was what we are working on so i don't really know if it is true. Thanks again! Go Buffalo!!! Kill the Falsons!!!
  19. lol I know just really bored and I don't get to go to many games living down here so I am excited about the Falsons game.
  20. Again "I live in Atlanta and hate the Falcons. I never really keep up with the team" Thanks for the input. I just really didn't want to have to post on the Falcons board to get information. I am sure that there is someone on here that keeps up with other team way more then I have. But I might have better luck posting on the Falsons Board.
  21. hey guys and gals I live in Atlanta and hate the Falsons. I never really keep up with the team except for what a friend of mine says of them. Can anyone here that keeps up with other teams give a brief match up of them for this year. Ofcourse I am going to the game down here this year. I know their D is not the best and our WR should beat up on their CB's if we are still health by then. But thats about all I know. Any trash talking I can't do to my Falcons fans friends would be great. Thanks!!!! Let's go Buffalo!!!!!!!!
  22. I just watch the latest Bills Focus and Chris Brown spoke with him and he seems like a good team player. I know he was a 7th round pick but he plays great so far and I would like to see him more this year. http://www.buffalobills.com/media-lounge/v...b0-bffec4ab1751
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