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Posts posted by reddogblitz

  1. On 6/18/2024 at 9:13 AM, Tiberius said:



    I will give President Biden this. He is a snazzy dresser.


    And Justice Brown gave one of my favorite Supreme Court Justice confirmation answers.


    Q: What is a woman?

    Justice Brown's Answer: I can't say because I'm not a biologist. LOL 😀


    Why isn't picking VP Harris on the list?


    Is an inflation reduction act that pumps more billions into the economy some kind of a joke?


    We're closing in on 3 years of the Ukraine war.  Sure he got us in it. Will he ever get us out? Doubtful.

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  2. On 5/11/2024 at 6:18 AM, ScotSHO said:


    Many southerners I have met explain it like this - they set the huge race issues aside (typically thru the eye of how the world viewed slavery in 1860) and talk about the unfair tariffs at that time & states rights vs. federal rights.  They also lost almost the same number of ancestors (60/40).  So they view the naming of a couple of the rebel leaders that retained their dignity (notice Jefferson Davis isn't named for sh*t) as a way to retain their rebelliousness.  A reminder that they'll go along, but do need to their viewpoint be heard.  Like it or not, it's become their regional identity.  Undoing that slowly drives that old wedge back into place.


    BS.  I was born in Texas and lived there 40+ years.  I never once heard anyone that lives there say slavery or the civil war is their "regional identity".  Sure, horrible history happened there and the people I knew certainly aren't proud of it.


    I always viewed the south's identity to be music.  Rock, blues, Jazz, and c&w all started there and is the birthplace of many great musicians.  Like the Charlie Daniels song lyrics.

  3. 7 hours ago, Joe Ferguson forever said:

    ah the chief PPP propagandist defending more important propagandists...If the RNC isn't paying you, you're an idiot.



    I watched your video.  In no way does it support a deep fake as you assert.  They are zoomed out when the hand grab occurs. You gotta watch for it but at :35 I could see it.  With goggles on your vision may vary.


    Not sure where that photograph came from.  Who's to say that not a deep fake put out to accuse someone else of a deep fake?  Nothing in politics surprises me.


    I think Barack knew what he was doing.  Look how he winks at somebody right before he makes the grab.  Never underestimate Joe's ability to ***** things up someone once said.

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  4. 1 hour ago, phypon said:

    Honestly, if he didn't "inappropriately" shower with his daughter and sniff kids on display on a regular basis I would feel sorry for him.  Because of those facts, I have no sympathy for a person like him.


    Or the guy that voted for the Iraq War and continuing resolutions resulting 1,000,000+ deaths.  He ran the hearings and wouldn't let detractors speak. 


    F*** him.

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  5. 6 hours ago, Joe Ferguson forever said:

    Doesn’t make it untrue. What, you think Biden sacrificed his only living son to make a political point?  Nah, but I wouldn’t put it past trump, MAGAs and their messiah complex. 


    I wouldn't put anything past President Biden to hold onto power.  He's had the levers of power for 50+ years.  He's 81 years old and still can't get let go.  Whatever it takes.

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  6. 4 hours ago, BillStime said:

    MAGA and Trump will never erase the stain from their legacy.





    Oo-rah and Go BILLS!  Marv's father was awarded a Purple Heart in the Battle of Belleau Wood.



    Marv Levy has a display case in his den. It’s filled with game balls and other mementos from a Hall of Fame life. Each item carries special meaning for him, though none means more than the Purple Heart his father earned 100 years ago.


    Sam Levy was poisoned by mustard gas and struck by shrapnel at the Battle of Belleau Wood, a brutal encounter in northern France that raged for most of June 1918. This month, Sam’s son has been thinking a lot about the famed battle where family history and world history intersected so poignantly a century ago.


    “I’m into history anyway,” says Levy, who’s 92, “and the fact that my father was in the battle – the iconic battle that turned the tide of World War I – makes me very proud.”



  7. 11 hours ago, Thurmal34 said:


    They’re still poor?


    Who is “they”, exactly?  

    The people that keep being told to pull themselves up by their bootstraps but were denied boots?


    "They" is "minorities in poverty, especially in inner cities" which is what I responded to.


    I'll ask you the same question. What exactly have Democrats done to help minorities in poverty, especially in inner cities?  Seems like they're still poor.


    My opinion is Democrats pay a lot of lip service about this  every 4years but do little in between.

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