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Posts posted by reddogblitz

  1. 5 hours ago, 4th&long said:

    And where did this come from? Maga. Dumb as a stump. In fact I don’t want to insult a stump, you are dumber. Is a sister getting her brother pregnant? And you Buck tooth red necks maga are the only ones banging their sister. That is the beauty of maga, just look at all the white trash that stormed the Capitol or goes to them there rallies. You can always pick them out. 


    Came from President Biden. Watch this clip at 0:53. He says it there.



    Or you can read it in the transcript here:



    But here’s the deal, there’s a lot of young women who are being raped by their – by their in-laws, by their – by their spouses, brothers and sisters, by – just – it’s just – it’s just ridiculous. And they can do nothing about it. And they try to arrest them when they cross state lines.



  2. 17 hours ago, muppy said:

    of the 2 candidates Trump clearly won the debate. BUT NEITHER OF THEM bothered to answer direct questions. The answers invariably go off tangent to attack Attack ATTACK.


    Was this the first debate you've watched? They never answer the questions asked.

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  3. 3 hours ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    It is bogus.

    There are aliens not authorized to work who, of course, work under fake or stolen SS #s.

    And guess what?

    They have FICA deducted from their paychecks, enriching the SS trust fund without being eligible to collect SS when they're old.

    So that means they pay extra SS tax.

    He has this completely bass ackwards.

    I would call it a lie.


    Until I can see some proof otherwise I'd call it a lie too.

  4. 18 hours ago, Roundybout said:

    Dems can’t go to Hillary because she’s damaged goods at this point. 

    Kamala is in the weird position of being too progressive for moderates, but progressives hate her. She also has the personality of oatmeal


    Pete Buttigieg is a nobody at this point.


    Newsome? But San Francisco NIMBYism has hurt his image. 

    Jared Polis is happy where he is


    Whitmer doesn’t want to leave Michigan 


    Could always dust off John Kerry again 




    I think if they went with Dean Phillips he could win.  


    He is a moderate and a sensible guy seems to me whenever I've seen him speak or be interviewed.  He is relatively unknown.  He does not have a lot of baggage as far as I can tell.  He would give a real alternative to people who really don't like President Trump but won't vote for President Biden.  He's the only other one that ran so give it to him.


    Governor Newsome is a blow dried stuffed shirt.  He's slick alright.  Maybe a little too slick.  Bill Maher had him on his show a month or so ago.  Even though Bill Maher likes him he couldn't keep a straight face with some of his uber liberal political over rehearsed canned answers.  Neither could I.

    • Disagree 1
  5. 13 hours ago, BillsFanNC said:





    He ain't quitting. He's too stubborn and selfish to do that.


    The only way they can get him to not run is if they Amendment 25 him or the party screws him ala Bernie 2016.


    As far as a second debate, as long as President Biden doesn't throw up on his shoes, it will be considered to be a victory by his faithful  and this debate will be forgotten by the election if not sooner.

  6. 4 hours ago, Tiberius said:

    The old man can take a punch and get back in there!




    Like when he said he's the only President in this century, er, decade that has not had one troop killed?


    I guess it's true if you don't count the 13 that died while we were exiting Afghanistan.


    Not a lie,but HE is the only President we've had this decade.  Decades start in years that end in 1 like 2021, you know, when he took over.

  7. 15 minutes ago, Roundybout said:



    Allowing the above tweets and their neonazi creators to remain on the platform


    Who is supposed to determine if its neo Nazi or whatever?  X?  The government?  What happens if X doesn't?  Should X be made to?  Should the government make them?


    What about when it was Twitter and Bin Ladin had an account?  What should have been done a bout that?  I see on X the account is suspended.

  8. 17 minutes ago, Roundybout said:



    Whichever person the private companies want to pick. In that case, probably whichever one protects the stock value. Neonazis aren't good for that. 


    Don't private companies pretty much do that already?  Try calling someone a f-a-g at Disney and see what happens.


    What exactly do you think private companies should do?

  9. 3 hours ago, L Ron Burgundy said:


    Are you dreading this debate as much as I am?


    I think it's going to be a national embarrassment.  On multiple levels.


    Not sure "dreading" is the right word. I agree it will be an embarrassment.  Its already an embarrassment for a country with 350,000,000, these are best 2 people to lead us.  I really don't like either one of these guys.


    However I suspect you and I watch politics differently.  I like to take the Molly Ivins approach.  Molly was an author who wrote about Texas politics 1987-2007.  She was also a columnist for the Dallas Morning News.  She was a lefty.  You'd like her.


    Anyways, I saw her speak on the campus of my alma mater, North Texas State University or so it was called when I went there.  That night she said on the subject of congress/governors/etc, "you're paying for it so you might as well watch it and enjoy it.".   So taking that approach it should be entertaining to watch the 2 old fools gaffe and BS for 90 minutes.

  10. 1 hour ago, L Ron Burgundy said:

    Hmmm, was it a drug addict that sent that email?


    Let's think for a moment.  Could drug addict son have been bsing people for money?


    I don't like Biden.  If he was guilty, I'd be for locking him up.  But there'd be something by now.  And if that's all ya got ya got nothin.


    That may be true for now.  I would think some of Hunter's stuff may be puffing. Not sure all of it is.  Are you? 


    But if some Trump state DA gets a burr in his/her bonnet and gets help from the White House and maybe a high level Justice Department lawyer, who knows what they can cook up now that President Biden has opened the Pandora's box.  Throw in too that the Hunter laptop is now verified to be real and is fair game.  I think maybe there's something there. Not sure.  If Trump wins I'm sure we'll find out.


    Of course there's also the sharing of classified documents with his ghost writer.  Maybe the current special prosecutor didn't bring charges but who's to say the next one won't?  

    • Like (+1) 2
  11. On 6/24/2024 at 8:36 AM, Tiberius said:

    Carbon sequestration would be at the top of the list  


    I agree with this 100%.  If it's really true we are about to the point of no return, we need to start lowering carbon as opposed to just slowly slowing down.  CO2 takes hundreds of years to process out on it's own.  In the meantime tons and tons of it is still being put out there.  China pollutes the most by far but has no desire to do anything.


    once we figure how to make it work start building a site in every city. Even if it was the size of a football field.  We'd then have cleaner air here.  trying to get the whole world to agree and work together on a solution is dreaming.  

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  12. 6 minutes ago, Doc said:

    Biden has a record to defend this time around instead of promising things/claiming he would be able to do it better.  CNN helped Trump by cutting off the mics and forcing them both to stand for 90 minutes. 


    I love the shutting off the mic thing.  I've been calling for that for decades.


    Will be interesting to see if they really enforce it.  

    • Like (+1) 4
  13. 3 hours ago, 4th&long said:

     I’m sure Joe is going to get asked about the economy and his son Hunter etc. trump will be asked about his conviction, all his other charges. His desire to be the next hitler, 1/6. Pardoning all his criminal friends. How bad he ***** up the COVID response, being a pathological liar, raping women, cheating on all his wife’s and kids, stealing from a children’s cancer charity etc. They have both answered all these questions a million times. Highly doubtful either of them will be stumped. 



    This is what I don't like about these "debates".  They're not debates.  In a debate you pick a topic and both sides have a couple of rounds to give their side of the story and rebut.  


    I'd like to see them give both sides the questions.  But not as questions but more as topics.  Things like America's role in the war in Ukraine, health care, Medicare/Medicaid, poverty, student loans, tax policy, climate change, etc.


    Pick 4 or 5 for the first debate and 4or 5 more for the second. Flip a coin or draw straws to see who goes first (would be nice if there were more than 2). Then they each get 4 minutes to state their case.  Then after each speaks, each candidate would get a 2 minute rebuttal.  Then on to the next topic with the other candidate starting first.


    This way we would get a LOT more info about them and what they think they can do if elected.  Maybe we wouldn't get the funny zingers like Senator Benson teling VP Quayle he was no FDR or allow time for VP Harris to call President Biden a racist on national TV, but I could live with that.


    Wouldn't matter who the moderator is cuz essentially they would be time keepers and announce the next topic.

    • Like (+1) 2
  14. 5 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    And the original Cold War lasted about 45 years. With an incredible amount of military spending, the Marshall Plan rebuilding Europe, proxy wars in Korea, Vietnam, the Cuban Missile Crisis, mutually assured nuclear destruction, etc., etc.

    I guess that wasn't worth it? Maybe we should have just let Stalin have all of Europe.


    How was Viet Nam "worth it"? 


    You're comparing the Ukraine War to the Marshall Plan?  How so?


    Putin has ZERO chance of being like Stalin. It's taken him 3 years of stalemate WWI style trench warfare and he still hasn't taken over 1 small country.  And he's gonna conquer all of Europe?.  He attacks a NATO country and he's dead and he knows it.


    I really don't think your comparison is accurate.

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