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Posts posted by reddogblitz

  1. There are three words for teams that value the short term above the long-term.


    "Long term losers."


    I want to win the SB within the next 3 - 5 years. If it increases our chances of doing that, I don't give a damn about next year. Any intelligent team should feel the same. I understand your hunger to win, but it doesn't makes sense to make decisions for the short term.


    Marv Levy said that a coach that is "rebuilding" is rebuilding for the next coach who takes over. This team has been rebuilding since 2001. It doesn't make sense to me to always be trying to win in 3 to 5 years. It's been that way for the last 3 to 5 years. We got a decent team and a decent record with a decent shot at the playoffs THIS FRIGGIN YEAR. Enough with rebuilding. The time to win is NOW.


    There's one word for teams that are too concerned about winning long-term and not doing eveything they can to win now:



  2. I agree. I commented a few weeks back that it seems they do to much pulling and stunting and crap. Just line your big ash up and knock the piss out of the guy in front of you. How hard is that?


    I wonder about this too. Maybe it's not the players, but the plays being called. Last year the OL was able to block and ML ran for over 1000 yards and was Rookie of the Year. It's pretty much the same line. Did they forget how to block? What's changed? The Offensive Coordinator.

  3. I'd say it's about 40% Trent and 30% Offensive Line and 30% play calling. But, it's hard to say if long passes are being called but Trent is electing to check off due to the long guy being covered or just that he likes to throw short. I've read some interviews that seem to indicate that long passes are called. Pass blocking is not great, but it's good enough. No NFL QB plays a whole game without getting hit frequently.


    It is also true that our run blocking is hurting. But we're really giving up on it too early IMHO. I saw Sunday Lynch run one play and get 3 or 4 and then on the next play get 9 and then after that it was pass pass pass. They should have been feeding him some after that to try to open up the pass better.


    All that said, Trent get's the most blame. The two interceptions he threw Sunday, he had good protection and was untouched. They were just bad passes. He fumbled 3 times against the Fish losing 2. In the Fish and Jets game he played well except for the turnovers. If he can stop the turnovers, all will fine. So to me, he gets most of the blame beause he is no longer doing what was his strength was which was "taking care of the football."

  4. I'm with you and I'll be there too. We can only take it one game at a time. If we win Monday things will look a lot cheerier this time next week. This is a very winnable game for us at home on Monday Night Football. If we and the players come out with the fire and enthusiasm we did in the last MNF game at the Ralph last year, we'll kill these guys.


    It ain't gonna be easy, but it's gonna be fun!


    Go BILLS !!

  5. JP is a free agent at the end of the year, a free agent who will under no circumstances sign with us again.


    There is no way we do any damage in the playoffs this year even if we make it.


    So why would we give experience to a guy who will use it with another team next year in a year where even if we win a few games it won't mean anything in the long run?


    Even if it helped us, it would actually hurt us in the long run.


    In the long run, we're all dead. I want to win Monday night AND make the playoffs. Then, who knows. I don't care about next years draft or the year after. I'm tired of losing. Let's win NOW !!


    This should in no way be construed as me wanting JP to start Monday.

  6. Save the season


    I believe using Losman as a change of pace in a wildcat or normal set (sprint out?) would be a good idea once and awhile, Dick J needs to announce this on Wednesday that Losman may be used in certain downs and distance, if nothing else throw a screwball out to Romeo. Say Trent is our man, we may try some diff stp with JP,


    I said pretty much the same thing on a thread earlier that no one bit on.


    Seriously, JP has shown he can come off the bench and throw a bomb to Lee Evans for a TD. He could also do some roll out running things and then when they think they know what he's gonna do, do something else. Like you say it would give the other team something else they'd have to try to prepare for the week before a game. Actually I was hoping we'd do it against the Patsies.


    I'm all for it.

  7. This case illustrates the stupidity of NFL's instant replay system. The reason behind it is to get the calls right. Right? Well here's a case where a call was flat out missed. But the only person that can question it is the head coach who has probably the worst vantage point of anyone to see this stuff. So, he has to talk to someone who is by a TV to see the replay on TV and then radio back down to him to throw the flag all within 20 seconds or so. Then he has to throw it to where the ref can see it. STUPID. So what happened was an obvious bad call was let stand.


    The NFL should go to a system like college has where they review every play and can stop the game if they need further review.


    The NFL rule us just plain dumb. Dumb as dirt.

  8. Pretty much. 2.5 sacks on the year - 1.5 against the Bills. 3 tackles against the Bills - 1 against the Rams (wk10); 1 against the Chiefs (wk8).


    If you blitz you don't have to get sacks from your DL, you get them from other players. Anyone see who got the sack and caused the fumble by Cassell? Mr. Wilson. It's still a sack. For the life of me I can't figure out why we don't blitz 2 or 3 guys at least 67% of the time. May not be macho (we can get sacks with only 4 guys (pounding chest)) football, but it works! Ask Matt Hasselback, Jemarcus Russell, David Gerrard, and Phillip Rivers.

  9. Just for grins I decided to compare career stats of Edwards vs. Losman. Interesting. Here's what I got:




    Completion percentage: 59.4

    TDs: 32

    Ints: 30

    Avg. yards per attempt: 6.8

    QB Rating: 77.9




    Completion percentage: 61.3

    TDs: 14

    Ints: 15

    Avg. yards per attempt: 6.8

    QB Rating: 78.2


    Looks pretty much like the same guy. Of course stats don't measure poise or chroise for that matter!

  10. Dick said he "dropped" the flag but failed to throw it. He said he needs to get down the sideline and throw it so that refs can see the flag.


    He needs to study the film of the Nick Saban, ex Fish coach, last year when that happened to him. The next week he ran out on the field in front of the ref to make sure he saw it. The coach is allowed to run on the field and throw a red hanky at the ref. There's no excuse for this.

  11. His protection was better games 5-9 than in games 1-4...yet he has gotten worse. I don't think lack of confidence in the O line is the issue. Its all on Trent...whether or not its the concussion is the question.


    I'm with ya on this. Our line is obviously not great or maybe even not very good for that matter. But, it's good enough to protect the QB long enough to pass most of the time. There were no protection problems on the pick on the pass to Evans, or on the pick on the pass to Hardy last week.


    He had the same line when he was setting the league on fire the first 5 games of the season. The line certainly protects better than it did last year. In the NFL QBs get hit a lot. It's part of the game. If he's lost confidence in his line and can't throw the ball as well, that's his problem. Maybe he's not an NFL QB? Maybe he should look into 7 on 7 flag football?


    If the concussion is causing problems, they should sit him until he's right.

  12. I'm with you 100% on the defensive "keep eveything in front of you" scheme of late. For the first 4 games of the season we played a very aggressive defense with a lot of different looks and blitzes. Worked great. Then against Arizona, we called off the dogs and played back and they ate our lunch. Then we went back to the aggressive defense against San Diego. That's what caused the game winning play when Mitchell blitzed and forced Rivers to fumble. Then the last 3 weeks it's been back to playing back and cover 2 and zone and all that like we did last year with the same results. We go back to pinning our ears back and bringing the heat a lot and we'll start winning again. Think Cassell would have done as well yesterday with Mitchell and Poz and Simpson breathing down his neck? He probably would have fumbled or thrown a pick.


    If we blitz and stop them before they go 40 yards and then punt and pin us inside the 20, our offense doesn't have to do as much. Also it'll force some turnovers and give us better field position if not points.


    Quinn is a rookie in his second game. A prime candidate for heavy blitz treatment.


    The fix is so painfully obvious. Why don't our coaches see it?


    I see this change in defensive scheme as being the root cause of all our losing lately. In an article about the game on NFL.COM, I found this which I think sums it up:

    "We need an attitude adjustment," Bills linebacker Kawika Mitchell said. "I just think it's an attitude thing. We've got the ability to make a run. But first, we have to make a change. Get aggressive and play with a little more fire."


    This coming from a guy who knows something about winning Super Bowls.


    We had it the first 4 weeks of the season. We need to get it back. Going back to that style of defense would be a great first step.

  13. Everyone wants to point to Trent's concussion as the start of the problems. I see it different. Calling off the dogs on defense has directly coincided with this meltdown. For the first 4 games of the season we played a very aggressive defense with a lot of different looks and blitzes. Worked great. Then against Arizona, we called off the dogs and played back and they ate our lunch. Then we went back to the aggressive defense against San Diego. Anyone remember the game winning play when Mitchell blitzed and forced the fumble? Then the last 3 weeks it's been back to playing back and cover 2 and zone and all that. We go back to pinning our ears back and bringing the heat a lot and we'll start winning again. Think Cassell would have done as well yesterday with Mitchell and Poz and Simpson breathing down his neck? He probably would have fumbled or thrown a pick.


    Quinn is a rookie in his second game. A prime candidate for heavy blitz treatment.


    The fix is so obvious. Why don't our coaches see it?

  14. The Bills need to open up the offense some to try to score some points. I've devised a plan to perhaps help this. Let's try to utilize one of our strengths that's sitting on the bench. JP has showed at least twice in memory that he can come in off the bench cold and throw a bomb to Evans for a TD. He did it against the Cardinals this year and against the Jets last year. I'm not saying to start JP.


    Instead, bring him off the bench at random and on the first play, send Evans long and let it fly. If it's complete we score! If not, oh well, send Trent back in. Do this maybe 4 or 5 times Monday night. After the first couple of times they'll be looking for that and then hit 'em with a draw or a short pass to ML or Fred with room to run.


    JP is sort of a one trick pony, but he does that trick very well. Let's take advantage of it. We need to do something to get our offense moving again and this could be just the ticket. Unorthodox yes, but a couple of months ago the "Wildcat" was considered to be unorthodox too. Now everyone's doing it.

  15. The o-line is the source of the problem. The couldn't move a VW Rabbit parked in neutral.


    This seems to be the consensus on here. I'm not so sure though. Last year we had pretty much the same line and ML ran for over 1000 yards and won rookie of the year honors. What's changed? Did these guys forget how to block? Did ML decide that dancing would be more effective than bulling guys over?


    The offensive coordinator is different. Maybe the plays we're running this year aren't as well designed to use our OLs strenghts. Maybe the blocking schemes are different and not as effective. Don't know. Just wondering ...

  16. The thing that bothers me about Trent's performance is that in the last 3 weeks it's gotten worse with each game. He has gone from a very very very good QB the first 6 weeks, to a mediocre at best QB the last 3 weeks. He's now sitting on 7 TDs and & 7 INTs through 9 games or 8 not counting the Cardinals game. Very pedestrian numbers. The offense last week was able to get 10 points. 10 again today. Really not quite that. The only TD came after they got the ball on the 11. He's no longer taking care of the ball, and today, wasn't even able to sustain drives besides the one that netted the FG. He also has gone from a guy with a 9-4 starting percentage to 10-8. Nothing to write home to Mom about. The protection was not great, but not bad. Good enough to do a lot better.


    I have seen great things from him and here's hoping he can turn it around next Monday against the Clowns. We owe those guys. I'll be there. Come on Trent and the entire team. Make me proud.


    Our defense again today played well enough to win the game. Only gave up 17 points. Now we just need some help from the offense.


    The season's not over yet, but with couple of more weeks like this, it could be soon.


    Go BILLS !!

  17. I thought he reminded of guy who we are all very familiar with, Trent Edwards. Dink and dunk, short passes, a lot of checkdowns. However, he had no pressure and all day to throw most times. I wonder what would happen to him if he had Mitchell and Scott and Poz and Whitner (if he plays) and the 12th man breathing down his neck? Could get ugly.


    Plus, there is no D in Clevelan. I'm not worried.

  18. I'd like to see them run that play the Clowns ran last night. In the shotgun with Fred to the left of TE. At the snap of the ball TE runs left and Fred runs right and catches the direct snap and runs around end. I think that could work.


    I also like the Madden '09 idea. If it works, great. There are no style points in football.


    I haven't seen it mentioned on here once, but the Jets passed out of the 2 tight end formation for their fist TD. Totally faked us out. When they lined up like that I said, "look out for the pass", but I guess the Bills D didn't hear me. Nothing wrong with a little trickery. Hit 'em with what they don't expect.

  19. My favorite team ever was Howard, Frank, and Dandy Don. Mainly because of Dandy Don. I put Howard at the very bottom of my list.


    My second favorite team was Paul McGuire, Mike Patrick, and Joe Theisman. Joe could be annoying at time, but the banter between him and Paul was great.


    Others I don't like: John Madden (funny at first but now suffering from over exposure), Joe Buck, Bob Costas, Dan Dieforf, Tony Kornheiser.


    Jack Buck, cool. Joe Buck, very uncool.


    Tony Kornheiser is not just annoying and inane, but he's says a lot of stuff that's just plain wrong. A couple of weeks ago Tennessee was playing and in his setup piece he said that while Tennessee had glory years when they went to the Super Bowl, it's been grim lately. Then he goes on to say that now they're doing better. Could they make the improvement and become like the '07 Browns. Hey dumbass, they were in the playoffs last year and finished ahead of the Browns. What an idiot!

  20. That game was all but over at that point and to blame the loss on that play is ridiculous.


    I've heard this over and over on this board. I'm not blaming the loss on this play, but it was the dagger to the heart of our chances. A good pass there and we're down by 2 with 1:20 to go or so. The Bills have good kicking teams. I've see them pull off some off the wall crazy successful onsides kicks in the past. I'm sure the kicking teams coach (can't think of his name now) had something up his sleeve.


    It was a long shot for sure. But man, I would have loved to have had that chance. We get that onsides and only have to go about 30 yards for a game winning field goal. It was a long shot sure, but the game was far from over. Saying the game was "all but over" in that situation is a very defeatist attitude in my estimation.

  21. Ball was thrown way short. I'm not sure Hardy could have done much more to try to break it up. Maybe, but it was so short and the defensive back being in much better position, I don't think there was much more he could do.


    This business of trying to excuse Trent's horribly thrown ball by saying Hardy should have done more to break it up is just plain silly.

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