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Posts posted by reddogblitz

  1. With the exception of the Arizona game, our defense has given us a chance to win in EVERY TIME.


    Currently our defense is ranked number 12 overall on NFL.com


    Our defense is fine. Good enough for us to be 9-3. It's our offense that sux really really really bad. Fix that and we're good to go.

  2. I meant to add that we need a vet free agent QB. Forgot. Yes, I think if McNabb is willing to come and play for 2-3 years at a reasonable cap hit, I'm for it. I think the biggest problem in developing a QB is that we haven't had a good vet guy the rookie/green QB can learn from here in a long time. I'm also for more making a run at Garcia.


    I'm sick and tired of kid gloving QB psyches around here. Win and we'll support you. Lose and we'll sit your ass.




    Sounds like you and I are on the same page on this one. Hadn't thought of Garcia, but wanted the Bills to sign him last year. If he's a FA I'd be for making a run at him too or hell, trade for that matter. Also on my list are Chad Pennington and Mark Bulger. Donovan or Jeff would be my preference. The last thing we need to do is draft Tim Tebow or some other college guy in the first round.

  3. I'm firmly in the "we need a real QB next year" camp. I'm tried of babysitting rookies hoping that someday they'll be good while the rest of our team plays hard trying to win with one hand tied behind their back.


    Matt Hasselbach would definitly be an upgrade. Seattle is getting a new coach next year. Not sure how he feels about Matt. However they have no one else on their team right now that is even as good as Trent.


    Donovan Mcnabb would be my first choice and may be able to be pried out of Philly by trade.


    Chad Pennington wasn't mentioned but he only signed a one year deal I think with the Fish. Would be a major upgrade. I'd sign him in a heartbeat.


    Hadn't though of Mark Bulger, but he would probably love to get out of Sant Louis. I'd take him over anybody we got now. Has been to Pro bowl etc and would command respect. Yeah, I'd do that.


    Kyle Boller, Derek Anderson, Joey Harrington, Rex Grossman, Matt Cassel, and John Beck would be a lateral move and I wouldn't be interested. Let's see who's available in FA after the season and either sign one of them or trade for one of the names listed above.

  4. Dick has proven this year that he can't win with "pretty good players". I fee that we have average talent. We've been in position to win 4 game this year that due to coaching we were unable to get the win in. Cleveland, San Fran, Fish, and Jets are who I'm referring too. But then again, could a lesser coach even have this average talented team competitive enough to be in position to win 10 out of 12 games?

  5. I agree with BuffOrange. I could care less if a coach "get's mad" if he wins. Tony Dungy, Tom Landry, Bud Grant, Andy Reid, Fisher, Lovie Smith, Tom coughlin, Mike Shanahan, Bill Walsh, Chuck Knoll, Dan Reeves, Mike Holmgren don't get mad and spit and everything yet their teams seem to win. According to "the team takes the personality of the coach" theory, I'd expect all of these men's teams to be milk toast wimps. But that's not the case.


    As we say in Texas, "that dog won't hunt".

  6. First, we need a new coach. Like cale said, someone whose had success. Super Bowl or Super Bowl win would be nice. We definitley don't need a guy whose never been a HC but everyone says will be great. Tops on my list is Marty Schottenhiemer. Hasn't won the big one yet, but as a few years ago neither had Cowher or Coughlin or Dungy. We need to be competitive again quickly and Marty has a proven track record of turning bad to mediocre teams around in short order.


    Second, we need a real QB. I'm tired of baby sitting draft choices who, if we're patient and let them suck for 2 or 3 years, they might be good. Screw that. Let's trade or get a free agent that's played a half dozen years and knows how to read defenses and has seen the 3-4, the 4-3, the Tampa 2, the flex, the 4-6, etc. Look at 6 teams who are seriously contending this year with free agents or trades at QB: the Jets with Favre, the Vikings with Ferrotte, the Fish with Pennington, the Bucs with Garcia, the Titans with Collins, and the Lards with Warner. Let's get a guy like that. Maybe go after McNabb or Pennington or whoever else might be there.


    Improve our other personnel through the draft and free agency.


    We do these three things and we could be a playoff team next year.

  7. After the Cleveland game I texted my daughter and told her I was officially on the Dick is a Moron bandwagon. I've since jumped off and am now on the Dick must be fired bandwagon. On the one hand, the team is close. We're right there in position to win but don't often enough. On the other hand it's hard to argue that 20-24 over 2 3/4 seasons is getting it done. I don't see how we can win win this guy. He want to play conservative and win it in the end. What a stupid philosophy. I want a coach that wants to score 30 points a game and give up 14 to 20. I want a coach that wants to have it pretty much sewn up by the start of the 4th quarter. K Mitchell said it a few weeks ago. We need to get aggressive.


    We need a new coach that can take what we've got, which good, and move us into a playoff team. I don't want a coach that has to bring in his "system" and will take 3 years to get his kind of players in. I want a coach who can look at what we've got and figure out a better way to make us win.


    I want a real head coach with winning experience. I've listed my choices in order:


    Marty Schottenheimer

    Brian Billick

    Jim Fassel

    Steve Mariucci


    We also need a real QB who has played a half dozen years and already knows how to read defenses and learned on somebody else's dime. Someone who commands respect from the team because he's done it. Let's see if we can trade for Donavan McNabb. Philly's getting tired of him. Or, let's see who's available in the off season. I'm tired of fooling around with rookies. In the era of free agency, we don't have to do this anymore. Remember the last two guys that led us to playoffs/winning seasons were free agents. Flutie and Beldsoe.

  8. Marty Schottenheimer should be the next head coach of the Bills


    I am not a fan of Holmgren, just another head coach like Andy Reid that thinks the system is more important then any of his players. It also would never happen


    I agree the MS should be next coach. He has a proven record of turning teams around and into playoff teams quickly. We're not that far away. He also gets somewhat of a bum wrap on the "can't win the big one" thing. The old football addage is "you gotta win big games to get in big games". I also don't think he told Ernest Byner to fumble the football going in for the Conference Championship score.


    As to Mike Holmgrem, yes the Seahawks have been in the playoffs the last five seasons. But, his team plays in the NFC West. He won the division a couple of times in that stretch at 9-7. They showed his record at 88-77. Take out the 13-3 Super Bowl season and he's about a .500 coach. That 2005 team was awesome, but then it's been back to mediocrity ever since.

  9. The Bills have no one that can put pressure on Favre which is a very bad thing.


    Catch the first Jets game? In the 4th quarter we blitzed Brett heavy and he ducked and chucked a pick to Greer I think it was. We can definitly put heat on Brett to good effect if our coaches call the blitz a lot. Sure we got burned on the screen early, but so what? They ended up getting a FG or nothing on that, don't remember for sure.


    Blitz Brett heavy and we can have a good day. Play back, keep everything in front of you, and it could be a very long day.

  10. HUGE WIN !!


    Against a very bad team no doubt but we dominated an NFL team. Trent looked like his old self again. I hope he keeps that up. The 1 2 punch of ML and Fred is great. We need to resign that guy for sure. The defense did give up a lot of points though. That worries me a little, but KC had a lot of opportunities with the way the Bills offense was going.


    As far as Robert Royal goes, he has improved greatly over last season. With the exception of the Patriots game debacle, can anyone list any other big gaffs by Robert? I'm to the point now where I think he'll be alright. Not great, but definitely servicable. I'm also taking him out of the Lonnie Johnson category!


    We need to treat the 49ers the same way on Sunday and then bring on the stretch drive. This could be a lot of fun.


    Ah, so I guess Leodis is not bust after all?


    Go BILLS !!

  11. They got a young inexperienced QB. Blitz early and often. Bring Mitchell A LOT.


    On offense, run the ball a lot. They have a bad defense. Let Trent pass to open guys. No sure what kind of defense they play for sure, but there will be a lot of open guys. They have a bad defense.


    We win this and we're back on track.

  12. [/b]

    Honestly I don't ever recall seeing Bret Farve in shotgun on third down and one. However I do recall third and three and Third down and two.

    Considering the Jets have the AFC's leading rusher in Thomas Jones I'd think that would be really idiotic for them to call shotgun and throw with only needing one yard for a first down.

    I don't recall any other team using a shotgun play on third down and one as many times as the bills do,Its why I mentioned it.


    I'm like 99% sure I saw Brett in the shotgun on 3rd and 1 in that game early in the 4th quarter. He didn't get it either and they had to punt. When you watch other games, you'll see other teams do this. I know I've seen it several times this year.


    Not saying it's good, just that the Bills aren't he only team to do it.

  13. I'd rather see the Bills sign or trade for a veteran QB that has actually won something. Not sure who will be out there and available. Since Jim Kelly left the Bills have had 4 drafted QBs play, Todd Collins, Alex Van Pelt, JP, and Trent Edwards. We've also had 4 free agents/trades, Rob Johnson, Doug Flutie, Drew Bledsoe, and Kelly Holcomb. Which group has produced more? Neither great, but we did get to the playoffs I think twice with RJ/DF and had our last winning season with DB. Instead of drafting yet another QB and throwing out there in year 1 or 2 to learn and suck while the rest of the team plays hard and tries to win is not what I want.


    Instead, let's try to trade or sign a free agent. Not sure who yet. When the list of free agents comes out, I'll let you know who I want. I know he hasn't won much, but Bryon Leftwich looked good with the Steelers in relief a few weeks ago. I wonder what his contract situation is? I wonder how long of a contract Chad Pennington signed with Fish? Please though, no David Carr or Joey Harrington.

  14. It's not the play calling all the time. I was at the game Monday night and I'm here to tell you there were guys open all over the place. Steve Johnson when Trent didn't even look his direction. Lee Evans was open in the corner of the end zone once and Trent didn't see him. It's not the play calling, right now, it's the play runner.


    On the last plays of the game before the FG attempt, I was hoping to see Trent in the shotgun with Marhshawn and Fred back there with Trent handing it off to Fred like he did that was so successful all night. The play they called 3 times in a row has not worked all season long. Why anyone thought it would work then is baffling to me.


    Trent may be the guy of the future, dont' know. But he sure aint' the guy now. We're in the middle of playoff stretch run. The season is not lost. Let's WIN NOW and worry about what to do next year in the off season. Prirority ONE now is WINNING GAMES. Put in whoever has the best chance of winning Sunday then re evaluate Monday.


    As far as JP goes, him being a FA next year and probably being gone can be viewed 2 ways. One, he's gonna be gone so let's not waste our time with him. Or two, he's going to be a FA after this season so he'll be on his best game to try to garner big bucks next year. How many times have we seen a guy play well in the last year of his contract, sign a fat contract, and then suck, Something to think about ...


    Go BILLS !!

  15. My take is that Jauron gives his staff complete control over offense=Turk schonert-Defense Perry fewell- Special teams Bobby April. The latter is not a bad thing as Bobby April is one of the best in the NFL.

    Schonert is a rookie and Fewell is in his second year.


    I kindof see this exactly the opposite. Early in the season I think so. The offense was a lot wider open with long passes to Lee Evans and going for the jugular with a 30 yard TD on the first play after the pick against Seattle. The defense was playing very aggressive in the first 4 games. Then things conservatived up. I think this is due to Dick telling the Perry and Turk to cool it. We don't want to get too far ahead. We're taking too many chances. We want to win 13-10. So Perry and Turk are doing what their boss is telling them to do.


    On anther note, a lot of people on here continually complain about going into the shotgun on 3rd and 1 and passing. If you watch other NFL games, you'll see that a lot of other teams do this too. Not just the Bills. I saw it 3 times in the NY Jets vs. NE Patriots game last week. Those teams seem to be doing OK. I've also seen Denver, Pittsburgh, and Dallas do it among others. I'm not advocating it, I'm just saying a lot of successful teams do it too.

  16. I fall on the Jauron is not a very good coach side. Mainly because of the lack of wins. He was hired to do one thing, win football games. So far after 2 2/3 seasons he's lost 4 more than he's won.


    Mainly, I just disagree with his coaching philosophy. I see it as play conservative on both sides of the ball. Keep it close and try to win at the end. I'm just not sure how successful that approach can be. Your team will always make some mistakes along the way (see Monday's missed FG) or when playing teams like the Patisies or Drugboys, ref calls will go against you late (see defensive holding on Stroud late in the Patsies game). I also think he makes poor game time decisions (see not challenging the Welker "catch" against the Patsies or not trying to move in for a closer FG against the Clowns). There are many more.


    He does get players ready to play and they play hard for him. The team played well enough to win that game, but bad decision making and playing too conservative took it away from us.


    I wish the Bills success with Coach Jauron at the helm, but have my doubts.


    Go BILLS !!

  17. D has been a big disappointment at critical times. ... Additionally, that 98 yard drive given up to Cleveland Monday night, especially after they looked so good in only giving up FGs after the INTs was a big letdown.


    GO BILLS!!!


    The defense did indeed give up the 96 yard drive to the Clowns. However, I think a lot of this rests on the coaches. Up until that point in the game the defense was playing aggressive. Blitzing, fake blitzing, guys standing up in the middle of the line etc. Then on that drive, they went back to the play back, keep everything in front of you, linebackers 5 yards off the line of scrimmage defense. They didn't blitz on a single play. Whey we don't play aggressively and blitz/fake blitz on 80% of the plays with this defense, I'll never understand. Especially with a rookie QB in his second start for crying out loud.


    The defense is fine and good enough to be make the playoffs if they could just get a little help from the offense. Against a weak defense they were only able to score 20 points and gave up 6 off turnovers. We need more than a net 14 to beat most teams. Even KC.

  18. Coaching sucks....'nuff said! :ph34r:


    I'm struggling with this one. Part of me says that Dick sux and should be out of here. On the other hand, the team overall in the last 4 games has played pretty well with the exception of turning the ball over. Monday night I doubt that Dick told Trent to throw 3 picks or told Fred to fumble on the Clowns 30 or told Leodis to not intercept that pass or told Lindell to miss that field goal or told Ko to trap that pick. Our team is competitive even against good teams like the Jets and Patriots. We're losing primarily because of turnovers. Every game lost except Arizona has had 3 or 4 turnovers. We're very close but can't seem to get over the hump to winning.


    I don't like Dick's philosophy to play a conservative close game and try to win it at the end. If you do that you can't have any mistakes or get any squirelly calls by the refs late in the game. We've gotten both of those in the losses. I'd rather have a coach who has a strong defense (which we pretty much have) and try to score around 30 points a game. Then if at the end of the game you get a bad call or someone makes a mistake it doesn't kill you.


    Whenever the Tom Landry Cowboys would lose a game late due to a bad call or player mistake he'd respond: "We never should have been in that position that one bad call or mistake would beat us. We should have had the came in hand by that point". Tom is in the HOF. Unless Dick stratightens up pretty quick, he won't be. Heck, he might not even have a job next year ...


    Perhaps Dick should just prepare the team during the week and then let someome else make the game time decisions.

  19. How about Bret Favre? He was born in Louisiana and after he wasn't in Green bay anymore he didn't want to go to a warm weather team.


    Sorry, weather is a terrible excuse.


    Bart Starr grew up in Montgomery, AL and played his college ball at Alabama. Played his entire HOF career in Green Bay including breaking my heart with the game winning QB sneak in the Ice Bowl.


    Sorry, weather is a terrible excuse.

  20. And JP is NOT going to win games and neither is Hamdan. Pulling TE out is hardly going to "get his head straight". Building a QB is a process and it's going to have its ups and downs. Eli Manning had his bad years and Coughlin didn't pull him. Manning was only 10-6 last year, had a 73.9% passer rating, threw 20 INT's and fumbled 13 times.

    As painful as it is to sit through it, Edwards has to be given the opportunity to play through this ..... whatever it is he has.


    You keep pointing to Eli Manning and how his coach didn't give up on him etc. But Eli is a on a good team. He has a GREAT running game and GREAT defense. They don't need him to do much. Even in the Super Bowl even though he was MVP, he got a lot of help from his recievers. Several times he threw it up for grabs and his guy came down with it. If Trent played for NYG he could do as good as Eli. If Eli played for the Bills, he' suck and we'd be calling to put JP in. Even you're own stats prove my point!

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