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Posts posted by reddogblitz

  1. It's funny how quickly perceptions change.


    Just 6 weeks ago, the team was 5-1. Not only did I think they were headed in the right direction, but I also thought that this could be a team that could be good for a long time given their youth and relative health in terms of the salary cap going forward. Trent also looked like a candidate for league MVP at that time. Funny how his going south seems to have coincided with Jauron's approval rating.


    It will be interesting to see how perceptions change after these last 4 games.


    Yeah, if only Trent had played in the last 6 games like he did in the first 6, we'd be at worst 9-3 and Dick Jauron would be a coaching genius.

  2. Chris Kelsay and Ryan Denney are our starting defensive ends. There is NO SCHEME that our personnel will fit.


    I'm sorry, but I totally disagree with this. Our defensive scheme of blitzing a lot and moving guys around and keeping the offense in the dark as to what we're bringing worked great in several games this year, namely Seattle, Jacksonville, San Francisco, and Dallas last year. However, for some unknown god forsaken reason, our coaches choose not to run it more than we do. If we were to be aggressive more and go with that we'd be better off. Our defense is currently ranked at #12 in total team defense on NFL.com by the way. #19 in points allowed even with all of the easy points served up by our offensive turnovers. Not bad. Good enough to win 10 with a little offensive help.

  3. Agreed. i think that in this day and age, and looking at Miami and Atlanta as examples, bringing the right coaches in can bring immediate results.


    Don't forget that the Fish also brought in Chad Pennington, who I think will be a free agent after this year. Let's go after him and sign him in the off season. Let Trent study under him for a couple of years, then he may be ready!

  4. Clearly Our QB's have been mishandled. Out of the bunch ...... (Rob Johnson, JP, and Trent) Trent has looked the sharpest. IMHO. JP has the deep ball, but Zero pocket presence. This topic isn't really about JP anyway. I think if we had a Parcells, this present team would kick ass.


    You forgot Flutie. No one was jerked around worse than Flutie. Yet, whenever he did get in the game he produced. He wasn't ruined by being jerked in and out of the lineup. And of the 4, Flutie looked the sharpest by far.

  5. Marty, yeah. The rest I'm not real sure about. Sure it would be fun and cool, but if you get a bunch of guys who were good players and then make them coaches, who knows if they will be good coaches or not? Most good players don't make good coaches. See Dick Jauron. The more successful coaches have been marginal players. Good fun idea, but I'd rather have real experienced coaches with a good track record IF JAURON IS FIRED.

  6. As I see it though, Trent fans (I'm one of them because he's starting for the Bills) are running out of excuses. In the last 3 games, the OLine has played well opening holes and protecting the QB. The running game has come around( 161, 171,and 156 yards running the last 3 weeks). The defense has played well even holding the 49ers to 10 points. Even in the last game we only had one turnover. Good running game, good protection, and good defense against bad teams. Should be the recipe for a QB who plays well getting wins. Yet, we've only won one of these three. Bad QB play in the losses has been the constant. Accuracy has been scarce.


    Trent's biggest problem is consistency. He's had alternating bouts of great and awful, some inside the same game, his whole career in Buffalo. Is there anything to make us think this will change?


    Experience maybe.


    Go BILLS !!

  7. Do you really think CHAD PENINGTON, KYLE ORTON and MATT CASSELL are good QB???


    I'd say yes. Especially Chad Pennington. I heard he only signed a one year deal with the Fish. We should sign him in the off season if we can.


    As I see it though, Trent fans (I'm one of them because he's starting for the Bills) are running out of excuses. In the last 3 games, the OLine has played well opening holes and protecting the QB. The running game has come around( 161, 171,and 156 yards running the last 3 weeks). The defense has played well even holding the 49ers to 10 points. Even in the last game we only had one turnover. Good running game, good protection, and good defense. Should be the recipe for a QB who plays well getting wins. Yet, we've only won one of these three. Bad QB play in the losses has been the constant. If we had Chad Pennington or Kyle Orton or Matt Cassell at QB, we probably win all 3 of those games.


    Trent's biggest problem is consistency. He's had alternating bouts of great and awful, some inside the same game, his whole career in Buffalo. Is there anything to make us think this will change?


    Go BILLS !!

  8. If we change coaches we do- not really a big deal, but we'll be starting over again. I prefer to continue down the current road- then we fix the lines and see where it takes us- that would isolate whatever problem is holding us back.


    I read this on here, but if you fire the coach do you lose all of your players too? Why would we need to totally rebuild? Get a coach who can take what we've got and build on it through player acquisition and better schemes mainly on offense, and we can continue onward and upward. Don't hire someone if he says "I have my system I'll run come hell or high water. I need to get my kind of players in here to be successful."


    I'd say stick it out with Dick for another year if we're going to get some like that or a neophyte who must "learn" on the job for the next 3 years until we fire him too. Hire a good experienced coach and carry on.

  9. Well, there was the Moorman to Denney TD pass on the FG fake earlier in the season. Other than that, I think the opportunities to try any trick plays just really hasnt presented itself.


    Fake punt against the Jets resulting in a first down nullified by a penalty.


    The propensity of long kickoff returns by Leodis is attributable to April coaching good kick return schemes.

  10. Also, remember Levy was a special teams coach, I don't think he was a pro coordinator (could be wrong there).


    Marv was Special Teams Co ordinator for the Washington Redskins for a couple of years under HOF George Allen including their Super Bowl season when the Redskins lost to the Dolphins 14-7. That was the game with the Garo Yuprimean "pass" that was returned for a TD by the Redskins.

  11. In the late 1990s Eddie DeBartolo, Jr. was involved in a corruption investigation and lost control of the team and his big spending no holds barred ways ended.


    Head coach Steve Mariucci -- whose published statements about his degree of power in the organization had frayed already-strained relations with management -- was fired by John York, despite a winning record. York has since said he made the correct decision to fire Mariucci, but could have handled it better; for instance, he admitted he should have made the announcement himself rather than hand that responsibility to general manager Terry Donahue.


    Mariucci was with the 49ers from 1997-2002 he was 60-43 and went to the playoffs 4 times. He took over from George Seifert and got Steve young at the tail end of his career. And Look where the 49ers have gone since he left...


    Anyone would have pooped the bed with the Idiot for a GM (Matt Millen)they used to have. Mariucci even stated on the NFL network that the Millen went over all the coaches and scouts heads and drafted who HE wanted.Also when he was told straight out by Mariucci that Joey Harrington was a waste,Millin refused to listen.So basically his hands were tied behind his back in Detroit.


    The thing I like about Mariucci is the fact that he has a cheat sheet "style" that the intelligent coaches like John Gruden and other ex-offensive coordinators use. Meaning every play has a specific call assigned to it. Instead of just winging it and calling whatever you feel like. Which BTW is what Turk Schonert is constantly doing


    You would never,and I mean never see Mariucci call shotgun on 3rd and one and actually try and throw for the first down. The sheet says run the ball= gives 90% success so that is what he would call.

    Turk Schonert call shotgun on 3rd down and one three different times during the new England game,all three went incomplete passes and the next play was a punt.


    I could go with "the Mooch".


    I say after the season ends, or hell, start now. Make a serious ran at Marty, Dan Reeves, Brian Billick, Jim Fassell, and the Mooch, and maybe even Mike Martz. Surely you could get one of them. Any one of them would be an improvement. Pleeeeaaaaasssseee not another guy who has never been HC but everyone sez will be great.

  12. Losman won't see the field for the rest of the season. Edwards isn't hurt.


    Don't you feel silly having posted this about 1 hour before Losman took the field again?


    We probably haven't seen the last of JP yet either. It's hard to picture Trent staying horizontal for the last 4 games with 3 of them being of the cold variety.


    If JP comes in and leads us to the Super Bowl he absolutely get's an extension and Trent gets seat cushions to make his sitting on the bench more comfortable.

  13. How about the Buffalo Bills do the SMART thing and forget about all of the NFL retreads you have mentioned. Other than Cowher (who is not going to come here) all of these guys are either too old or have been proven to be failures as head coaches if winning championships are what you are after if you're the team owner.


    Why didn't the Dolphins, Falcons and Ravens follow your advice and hire any of those guys on your list? It's becuase they are smart teams that wanted to hire the best coaching option for their team...








    Guess what? None of these rookie head coaches were on your list yet all are heading to the playoffs and two of them with rookie QBs




    Why didn't Pittsburgh hire any of those guys a couple of years ago? Because the were smart.






    The Bills should hire Raheem Morris who is the DBs coach for the Bucs and is widely considered the next Mike Tomlin.




    Great if it works, but as others have said, it's risky and chances are just as good it'll be a bust. What about the guy who got fired from Sant Louis, he was highly touted when hired. What about lane Kiffin?


    For my money, pick someone whose won something in the NFL who can help attract talented free agents too. Would a free agent want to sign on with a team with Raheem Morris as coach who has done nothing, or Marty Schottenhiemer or Dan Reeves or Jim Fassell? I know where I'd go.


    I'm tired of screwing around with the "next great thing" as HC and a sniveling snot nosed kid at QB.


    Let's get serious and get a real coach and real QB and kick some ass next year! We're close.

  14. I watched the game last night. The few things I noted:


    Trent was once again off to a fast start only to melt down later with 9 straight incompletions to end the half. Many of those passes were downright ugly misses to running backs in the flat for crying out loud.


    When you're running back has 125 yards on 15 carries going into the 4th quarter where you're only down by a TD, feed him! How he only got 1 carry in Q4 is mind boggling. When you have strong running back, the 4th quarter is when you pound them because the defense is tired and chances of breaking a big one go way up.


    Early in the game Trent was hitting a lot of passes to WRs. Looked like they made some changes to the offense to get these guys open underneath or something.


    The OLine had a good game opening up holes. Great job.


    The defense was superb. Giving up only 10 points and still losing by a TD points to a pathetic offensive performance.


    We only had 1 turnover this week too and still lost. We're great between the twenties, but when we get inside the 5, forget about it.


    Lindell, what can I say? Didn't matter really because even if it was 10-9 going into the last drive we would have still lost because we couldn't move the ball.


    Tough loss.

  15. We all know Lindell should have made those kicks. But would a 10-9 loss or 12-9 victory have made you feel better about the gameplan, the playcalling, the game management, the preparedness? The way it ended up was just the insult on top of the injury. This team is poorly coached and most disburingly, they are regressing in year 3. Now they aren't even taking care of business against the dog teams they've padded their losing record against the past two years.


    I would have been exstatic with a 12-10 win!! Just win baby!! There's no style points in football.


    Then we'd be in better playoff shape and looking forward to a tough game against Miami. Actually I'm still looking forward to a tough game with Miami and think we're gonna win. We need help (mostly from ourselves) but it ain't over.

  16. O.K., would any of you make a power play for Donovan McNabb in the offseason? Please tell me the huge difference between the Jets "future" in Kellen Clemens and the ability of the NYJ to acquire Brett Favre and the same percieved "future" in Buffalo with Trent Edwards, and the need to upgrade the position to qualify for a BONIFIED playoff run? All things considered, I believe the Bills would be a legitimate 10-2 or 9-3 with McNabb at the controls of this 2008 version of the Buffalo Bills! This is NOT to denegrate Trent because I believe he is on a steep learning curve, but experience spoke volumes for the Jets and I believe we are better than either the Jets or Dolphins with this type of move! Petentially, Lee Evans, Josh Reed, James Hardy and crew become major weapons with DM at the helm. Add in a legit TE from the 2009 draft and viola', we improve enough to make a SERIOUS RUN! Any takers??


    I would. We're close. But we do need a real QB. Dick might work if we had a real QB and like you say a good tight end. Maybe beef up the D a little. I believe Donovan could push us over the top. Marty and Donovan and we're a different team next year. Man, I hope ...

  17. I'm not using one play, I'm using what I observed during an AN ENTIRE HALF OF FOOTBALL yesterday, at the game. When was the last time you saw Trent make the decision to throw deep IMMEDIATELY after dropping back? He doesn't. It's his last option because he won't make the throw unless the guy is WIDE OPEN. Now watch highlights of deep plays made by Eli, Big Ben, Bulger, Warner, MATT RYAN, or any other QB who's worth his own spit. Not only do they pull the trigger quick, they often put it into traffic and the receiver make the play. Again, when has Trent EVER done this? I take that back, he did it ONCE yesterday, and I was happy just to see it go up. It was incomplete but at least he TRIED!


    Against KC, Trent dropped back and threw a bomb to Evans who was double covered and in no way wide open. Against Seattle he hit Evans on the sideline for like 40 yards with a man right on him. That's whats frustrating to me. He can do it and has done it on occasion, but doesn't do it very often. The guys are are there and open, but he instead throws to ML.

  18. This team is not only poorly coached, it has little to no talent.


    The WRs are small, there's no TE to speak of, the OL is mediocre, the DEs are nonexistent, the LBs are over-rated. About the only position on this team that's a strength is the one they've consistently drafted: DB.


    Not a winning recipe.


    I'm having a problem reconciling this one. I'd think a bad team with a bad coach would probably go like 2-10 or 2-9 or something, not 6-6. Either the players have to be good to overcome bad coaching or the coaching has to be good to overcome poor talent.


    I think it's a combination. Dick is not totally inept. He managed 7 wins with all of the injuries and a rookie QB. The team is ready and plays hard. I just think Dick makes bad game day decisions and is insistent on keeping the game close and winning it at the end no matter what.


    If Dick would have an awakening and decided that if he has a team with a good offense and can score 25-30 points a game with a decent defense, he wouldn't have to wait til the end of the game to try to win it. Then, he'd be a good coach.


    Dick is a good coach with a stupid philosophy.

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