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Posts posted by reddogblitz

  1. 49 minutes ago, Joe Ferguson forever said:

    He didn't reply to criticism of him by fundamentalists about birth control and abortion.  Birth control?  We are back to that argument now!  He pledged to put democracy over religion.   That cool.  So did Joe.


    Not replying to criticism is a far cry from going to bat for abortion IMHO.  Who exactly is arguing to make birth control illegal?

  2. 1 hour ago, GETTOTHE50 said:

    There is no way in ***** Biden is bowing out.


    Jill wants the presidency, and his family will convince him to stay bc they know if he loses, that they are no longer covered against persecution for their numerous crimes. 


    He's too selfish and stubborn to drop out.


    But if the Democrat party wants him out they'll do whatever they have to to get him out.  They screwed Bernie to get Hillary in.  I'm sure they could cook up something if they want to.

    • Agree 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Joe Ferguson forever said:


    I know what he said.  What decision  did President Kennedy make that went against Catholic teachings?  Wasn't abortion cuz it was not legalized until 9 years after his death.


    This is one of many gripes I have with President Biden.  He is Mr. Devout Catholic.  I could see if he wanted to sort of recuse himself from the issue.  But no. He goes to bat for it.  Seems hypocritical to me.  

  4. 14 hours ago, Roundybout said:

    No worries lolbertarian, he can simply do it through the DOJ as an official act. 

    Also LMFAO at a 30-something still using “######” as some kind of insult, tells you all you have to know.


    I stopped reading after that word. Whenever I hear or read that word I immediately tune them out and know they are not someone I will listen to.  And no @Tommy Callahan she was not using a scientific term.


    If you've ever known someone with Downs Syndrome you would know they aren't stupid.  They have a mental handicap they didn't ask for and can't be cured.  


    Insulting a political opponent using these people with an immutable characteristic is GROSS. Ranks right up there with "short bus".


    Call me triggered or whatever if you want I don't care. It's disgusting.

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  5. 15 hours ago, Roundybout said:

    Sure, that’s the problem. Other countries don’t have issues with land acquisition, so we need a better system of buying land for rights of way. It’s absurd that Japan can built a rail line in 7 years while it takes us 15 years for just the environmental work! 


    The bullet train was running in Japan when I was stationed there in 1977.

    14 hours ago, Roundybout said:

    I’m slowly accepting that if Trump is put back in office, there will be mass civil violence in the U.S. the likes of which we haven’t seen since the 1960s.

    He simply cannot be allowed to take office again.  


    Sounds real democratic of you.  I know you love democracy.

  6. 4 hours ago, daz28 said:

    You must not having been paying attention in class during fake electors scheme day.  It was all set up to work legitimately.  You'd be hoping that a group of generals would get together, and say, "no, what you did is crooked", and roll into Washington to remove the president, completely ignoring the fact that there would be likely another group of generals who felt that it was completely legitimate.  The part that eats me alive is that MAGA nation doesn't even want the electors plot scheme to play out in court and will be happy when it all just evaporates.  


    Maybe it was set up to look legal but it flopped.  As did the find me 11,000 votes in Georgia because a Republican taped the conversation and ratted him out. in fact hes under indictment for it and would have been tried if nor for Fani Willis' shenanigans.  Maybe she's in on it?  In order for what you suspect to happen he has to have military, Supreme Court, Congress, his staff, and election officials in all swing states to go along with him.  Like Kennedy assassination conspiracy theories it soon depends on everyone else being in on it except you.


    Which is it?  President Trump is a not smart doofus or he is the conniving mastermind planning to take down our democracy and make himself dictator? 

  7. 1 minute ago, Tiberius said:

    Last time? This ruling literally makes Presidents above the law. This is a whole new game now. 


    Trump would have four years to rip up the military and shape the leadership in his image. And why not turn his rabble followers into a paramilitary organization? He already has plans to do this to the Federal bureaucracy, why not the military? 


    Who in their right mind thought this guy would send a rabid mob against the Capital? But he did 


    You expect us to trust this person? No thanks 


    Great conspiracy theory.

    • Like (+1) 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Tiberius said:

    But the Constitution will stop Trump! Oh wait...


    It did last time.


    How do you propose that he could pull this off?


    Lets say he did try to stay somehow.  The winner of the election files suit and it goes to the SC.  They rule he's gotta go unless you're paranoid enough to think they wouldn't.  Then he would be physically removed.  I don't know if you've been in the military or not but they swear under oath not to follow unlawful orders. So even if you're paranoid enough to think the military will follow him too, any military man worth his/her weight in salt would not follow an order keeping a President in after his/her term expires


    Or, they hold the inauguration and the new president orders the military to physically remove him.


    There's a reason why on the Constitution the President has limited powers and checks and balances.  Has worked up until now and see no reason it will not continue to do so.


    Again, how would this work for Trump to not "give up power"?  

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  9. 43 minutes ago, Doc said:


    It's amazing that people still cling to the "he won't leave" belief.  It's as if they weren't alive during his first term of don't know how American politics/the system works.


    He left early.


    If he was gonna do it he would have done it then.  Not wait to see if he gets re elected and then do it when he's 82 years old.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  10. 11 hours ago, BillsFanNC said:

    A trip down memory lane. Biden's first PC as POTUS.


    Lost a bit of his fastball, by all accounts and spry for his age takes all came after this sad display and numerous other examples of a feeble old man.


    But sure Trump, right wing media and CNN moderators being uncharacteristically approaching fair deserve your scorn.








    See. He's been doing that forget what he's talking about and then closes his eyes and lowers his head and comes up with something all along.  Kills me that the debate was a big surprise to people. It's been obvious all along he's got cognitive issues.  I didn't vote for him the first time cuz of it.  Won't this time either.


    I don't like President Trump or VP Harris either but you at least have a person with a fully functioning brain in that job.

  11. 8 hours ago, BillsFanNC said:



    I didn't see anything from President Biden in the debate haven't already seen before. The Beau Biden routine, the both sides routine, the 1,000 yard stare routine, the lie your ass off routine (no troops died on my watch 😔), and the can't find words routine. 


    Also the get confused, drop your head, and the come up with something routine.  However, never anything in the ballpark of "we finally killed Medicare".  He's gone.  I'm now of the opinion he should just resign now.  Heaven forbid something bad happens after 4pm that we need him for.




  12. 27 minutes ago, 4th&long said:

    Got to get me one of them black jobs!


    At least we beat Medicare and no troops died on President Biden's watch.


    These guys both suck.


    I'm an undecided voter between Kennedy and West. Not wasting my vote on either one of these major party clowns and I will vote.

    • Like (+1) 1
  13. 10 hours ago, phypon said:

    When I first heard JB say he would be happy about having a driving contest, I thought he meant with a car or scooter.


    I liked when he challenging to play golf but President Trump has to carry his own clubs.  Yeah, like President Biden is gonna carry his own clubs. Shoulda just challenged him to a fist fight like he usually does.

    • Like (+1) 2
  14. On 6/25/2024 at 7:52 AM, Gregg said:


    Between now and Nov you will see these polls say Trump has taken the lead over Biden and then Biden takes the lead over Trump. This will continue to go back and forth. We will find out in Nov what happens until then it's all speculation.


    There's only 1 poll that counts and its still months away.

  15. 4 hours ago, Doc Brown said:

    The childcare question made me laugh out loud.  Neither answered it directly and a few minutes later they spent a minute arguing about who has the higher golf handicap.  


    What really made me laugh in this exchange was when President Trump said "let's not be childish."

    • Agree 1
  16. On 6/15/2024 at 5:24 AM, Tiberius said:

    Biden isn't appointing some Maralogo losers to run the VA like Trump did. Treating the VA as a personal fiefdom for his buddies to screw with. Trump has treated vets badly 






    I'm a veteran and get medical care at VA.  I can't really say if President Trump likes veterans or not, but he signed a the Mission Act in 2018.  As a veteran that goes to the VA I think this is a good thing.




    In June 2018, Trump signed the Mission Act, which made it easier for veterans to seek private care. This was an update of the VA Choice Act and consolidated the existing health care programs under the Veteran Affairs Department into one central program. This measure expanded the eligibility requirements for private care based on certain criteria so that veterans are able to seek a non-VA doctor if their VA wait is 20 days, if they live 30 minutes away from the nearest VA facility or if "a veteran and the veteran's referring clinician agree that furnishing care or services in the community would be in the best medical interest of the veteran," according to the New York Times.


    I'm not sure President Biden cares about veterans and military members since he bragged in the debate none were killed on his "watch" when in fact 18 were.

    • Like (+1) 1
  17. 6 hours ago, BillsFanNC said:

    Typing "covfefe" on Twitter however is a national security issue.




    I'm old enough to remember when Nixon was president it came out that he liked to drink at night and would get quite drunk.  There was a lot of concern if something big happened at night he wouldn't be able to deal with it cuz he was either drunk or passed out.


    I think we should be similarly concerned with President Biden.  Not that he's a drinker but if something big happened After 4pm good luck.


    Unless we're good with letting unelected Karen Jean-Piere, Anthony Blinken, Myorkis, etc. Handle it.

    • Like (+1) 1
  18. 23 minutes ago, 4th&long said:

    No but he claims up to 9 months and even after they are born which is a lie as always of course. 

    Yes he’s talking about maga, that’s what back woods redneck people do.


    Another elitist yankee.


    Please explain how "maga" women rape and impregnate their sisters.

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