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Everything posted by reddogblitz

  1. And they have a cool band that was formerly the Baltimore Colts Band which they kept active when the Colts moved out in the middle of the night and are now the Ravens Band. Very cool IMHO.
  2. Yeah, jocks really eat up the whole " they said we couldn't do it " thing.
  3. It was the Eagles kicker I think I was thinking about. It was a long day of football. It was late. I was a coupla bong hits in. Forgive me please for my football misrepresentation of facts not in evidence. The better team does not find themselves down by 2 after a 3rd Q TD, panic, and go for 2 and not get it.
  4. The better team does not panic after a missed PAT and go for 2 the next time and don't get it.
  5. I believe if I'm not mistaken, Dracula is flat on his back with a stake in his heart on a 747 headed back to Baltimore. So does this mean we could challenge it or not? Kind of sounds like not but I am not a lawyer.
  6. That might have worked. We'll never know. But what we do know for certain is what Coach McDermott did worked. Bring on KC.
  7. Sure. No I am not saying Republicans are starting it. The Democrats obviously used it to try to get President Trump so he could not win again with prosecutors in NY running on getting Trump as a campaign promise, 25+ year old sex allegations made possible by extending the statute of limitations, and other things The Feds passed on prosecution as did the state of NY but then Alan Bragg says hold my beer and comes up with charges never seen before. What I was mainly referring to is these comments from Megyn Kelly and others saying if the Republicans go all law fare on the Democrats they'll see the error in their ways and straighten up. This will just tick them off and next chance they get they'll go all law fare too. The bigger party should stop this but I'm not sure we have one. Do we really want to become the kind of s.h.i.t hole country where each regime puts the previous 1 in jail?
  8. The Republicans going all lawfare on the Democrats will not stop it once the Democrats see how bad it is when directed at them. It will only tick them off so next time Democrats have the President and a majority (it will happen), they will only ramp it up as they perceive the Republicans are doing to them. Politics 101. What your opponent does to you do it harder back at them.
  9. I am having a good time watching all these tech moguls tripping all over themselves to try to get into President Trump's good graces. Gonna be fun watching them all work together. I put the over under at 6 months until the inflated egos cause the whole thing to blow up.
  10. I think its dumb. Butt out. Somehow we've survived 248 1/2 years without Greenland and Canada and have done fine. Let's say we do work a "deal" and buy Greenland. How much is that gonna cost? How many trillions if not quadrillions? Who's gonna pay it? Tax payers. I thought President Trump was going to cut the size of government and save money for taxpayers. Not sure how that's gonna work. As far as Canada, give me a break LOL. President Trump wants to emulate his hero Andrew Jackson's expansion I guess. I don't take it too seriously cuz he ain't even President yet and I suspect he's talking from where the sun don't shine. We'll see ...
  11. Sounds fun. Did you get to see any live music while there? I hear it is really good. The coolest thing about Cuba I can tell from just seeing pictures etc is they still drive around 1950s Chevrolets. Those are awesome.
  12. This From the article: This (and other things) show me the NFL is full of BS on this "player safery" stuff. If you could reduce the force from head contact by 20% if everyone wore one, if they were really serious about "player safety" they would require all players to wear one. The problem is, they just look silly and could affect the bottom line.
  13. I don't gamble so it's an easy answer for me. No.
  14. President Obama I'm sure was cool with this. That way he could have fun. He could yuck it up and laugh with President Trump. If Michelle had been there he would have had to mind his Ps and Qs or else get scowled at for laughing in church and then cut off when he got home.
  15. I don't think the refs should talk to players or help them up when they get knocked down.
  16. I did. I saw him in the Jets game last year at The Ralph. I went to that game. He made made a few big plays in that game. He has made big plays when he has occasionally gotten in the game. I've been calling for a bigger part of the offense for him all season. Somehow he just makes big plays.
  17. Thanks to the new 17 game schedule and fancy analytics software, everything is a record.
  18. I'm gonna add Pittsburgh to the teams with really good WRs list that made the playoffs. KCs WRs aren't anything to sneeze at either IMHO.
  19. As was Tom Landry as player/DC for the World Champion New York football Giants prior to getting his only NFL HC job.
  20. We owe those guys after that loss last year when we had 12 on the field for the missed FG. I was at that game. Heartbreaker.
  21. 4th from left: a plaid shirt and a plaid tie. Really?
  22. My favorite part that I totally agree with in regards to Musk: If you think the world's richest man is going to help you, the little guy, you are a chump. Musk will be looking out for numero uno and finagle more government contracts to buy his rockets, get the government to reinstate the tax break for Tesla purchasers, get more government data on his data centers, and other stuff like that. Him backing HB-1 visas to take jobs way from Americans is just his first step. The whole point is to cut expenses thus increasing profits. The other guy saying this has been going on for a long time is right. I worked in computers for 38 years. For the past 20 years data companies have been doing this. They also like to hire contractors in Russia or India and pay them dirt for wages.
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