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Posts posted by reddogblitz

  1. 10 hours ago, aristocrat said:

    You do not want the military changing with the times. Military is about having a group of people who are controlled psychopaths who will kill the enemy and keep them from destroying our country. 


    He military has always changed with the times.  Allowing blacks into the military was controversial when it started as was allowing women and more recently gays.

  2. 12 minutes ago, phypon said:

    I'm not sure if this is you or L Ron:





    More bad news for the L's (losers):




    HOAs suck.  All they do is pit neighbor against neighbor who probably wouldn't even know each other sans HOA for insignificant stuff like this.  It officers are usually made up of power hungry people that stick their nose in everyone else's bidness.


    My neighborhood has one of these and it's really dumb.

    • Like (+1) 1
  3. 7 hours ago, Tiberius said:

    The meth heads in red America would still get their drugs. They are the market, supply meets demand


    Here we go with the elitist yankee routine again.  


    Are you aware that in very blue Seattle on President Biden's watch fentanyl overdoses are rising every year and are through the roof.  Looks like 2024 will be another record year.




    This is a nationwide problem and always has been. 

    7 hours ago, Tiberius said:

    Just say no! Why is Red America so hooked on meth? 


    Why didn't Trump stop these Drugs? Red State America is acting like Drug fiends when voting, that's for sure 


    Your boy has been President for 3 1/2 years.  Why didn't he do anything about it?

  4. 10 hours ago, Tiberius said:




    I think one of the things that makes Kamala Harris really compelling in this environment is that we’re dealing with a bully. And she is a person who does very well in going up against bullies. She has a demeanor, she has a way of speaking that very much comes from her experience as a prosecutor that plays very well when dealing with someone who really is kind of outside the bounds of the law.

    One of the things that was most troubling about the debate between Biden and Trump was that, unsurprisingly, Trump just spouted lie after lie after lie, The thing that was so devastating was that Joe Biden just seemed completely unable to counter those lies. And it’s just impossible to imagine that Kamala Harris, who is really a very successful debater, wouldn’t be able to just methodically come in and counter, point for point, every single thing that came out of Donald Trump’s mouth.

    The Biden administration has put Kamala Harris front and center on the messaging about abortion rights, and rightfully so. Everyone knows that Joe Biden is not a great messenger on this issue. He has had a long history of ambivalence about choice. He is a devout Catholic, and I think it’s fair to say he does not feel particularly comfortable speaking in strident terms about a woman’s right to choose.

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    That is not a problem for Kamala Harris. She is a lifelong believer and fighter for this cause and would be an eloquent and powerful spokesperson for the issue as the nominee, just as she has been on the campaign trail as part of the ticket.


    Bolded 1: I'm gonna agree with you on this one.  She was able to wrap up the VP gig in just 1 debate in which she called Joe Biden a racist on national TV.  That is a level of debate skill unseen before.


    Bolded 2: Come on man. In what world does President Biden have long history of ambivalence about abortion?  He's abortion's biggest cheer leader.  

  5. 9 hours ago, Tiberius said:

    The racist and misogynistic crowd will not like her? F them 


    With this attitude we'll never get through racism.  Now that women and minorities are in government they are open to be criticized just as much as white dudes.


    I remember when Obama was President anytime you criticized anything it was because you didn't like him cuz he was black.  My response always was, did they treat President Clinton any better?  


    We gotta get past this nonsense. You ain't helping curb racism with this *****.  Knock it off please.

    • Like (+1) 1
  6. On 7/2/2024 at 11:29 AM, B-Man said:



    Biden has NEVER been a good man.


    Push Play.





    Upon confirmation Justice Thomas told Senators Biden and Kennedy and the rest of 'em he was 42 years old and he's gonna be a supreme court justice for 42 years.  If my math is correct he's still got 6 years to go.


    Senator Biden and the Donkey team didn't want Clarence Thomas in cuz he is black. Thomas was replacing Thurgood Marshall who was appointed by  LBJ.  Democrats were supposed to be the ones appointing black Justices, not Republicans.  Thus the shenanigans by Senator Biden and the rest.


    One other thing I remember is how Clarence Thomas snookered Biden.  They let Thomas go so they could interview Anita Hill.  After testimony of coke cans and such Thomas came back.  Biden started out by asking Thomas if he watched it thinking he would have and could go through the coke can and such.  Thomas said no. Biden then hemmed and hawed for a minute and then had to follow a different line of questioning.  And what was all that "natural law" stuff that he and Thomas allegedly understood?


    The high tech lynching bit by Thomas was epic.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  7. On 7/2/2024 at 6:53 AM, Big Blitz said:

    Best thing you’ll read today..



    The apparent reason Democrats have rallied around Biden is because they believe Trump poses a grave threat to democracy. But in choosing Biden, Democrats chose someone who is not actually governing as president. In this way, they have advanced an authoritarian system in which unelected bureaucrats, advisors, and lobbyists shape policy without any semblance of real democratic input.





    Sounds like they're working with a narcissist (Biden).

    • Agree 1
  8. 4 hours ago, Doc said:


    And in any case, Biden is saying he's not going anywhere.  So it's going to be a (figuratively, for the contextually-impaired) bloodbath if they try and remove him.


    I got an email from President Biden today. He told me in the email he is not dropping out and is running and is gonna win.  And oh,by the way can you send me some cash.


    He's too stubborn and selfish to quit now.


    But you know how these things go.it could all change tomorrow.


    Democrats are in a pickle but they put themselves there. Sad.


    • Agree 1
  9. 7 hours ago, Backintheday544 said:

    Toast? 538 has it 51 percent favored for Trump, 49 percent Biden as of right now:



    Far from toast.  But in my scenario, people know they’re voting for Obama who just polled 50 percent to 39 percent ahead of Trump.


    And how do they know that if they voting for President Biden?


    Besides Michele has said many times she not running and told her daughters DO NOT go into politics.

  10. On 7/1/2024 at 5:55 PM, daz28 said:

    we had to cave to the idea that he could legally murder citizens and political opponents at will with no justice.


    Clintons breathe a sigh of relief.

    On 7/1/2024 at 8:55 AM, Gregg said:

    If Biden is the nominee, then this upcoming election will be very similar to Reagan-Carter.


    I think it's gonna be like Bush vs Gore.  Very tight. Litigated to death.  The side with the best lawyers wins.

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